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“I watched you come apart when Todd went down on you yesterday. If you are a good submissive, I might consider allowing you to experience similar pleasure tonight.” He commanded hr to clean the rest of her body, even making her face away from him so he could study her efforts when she washed her bottom. “Bend over at the waist. No, don’t use your hands to balance on the wall. You’ll need them to spread your ass cheeks so I can judge your work.”

Something about his words both humiliated and tantalized her. If he didn’t stop, she might give into an orgasm without him even touching her. As if he read her mind, Master Jeffrey made a disapproving sound. “Tsk. I have not given you permission to come, naughty girl. Your body is mine; don’t forget it. You don’t even go to the bathroom without my consent.”

So close, and his words only intensified the glorious torture raging through her core. “You may rinse off now,” he said.

The water helped to thaw some of the passion, but her Master wasn’t finished testing her resolve. He personally dried her off, and the rough towel was applied with extra force on the sensitive areas she exposed during her shower. Once she was dry, the collar was secured back in place.

Without warning Corinne found herself lifted on top of the bathroom counter with her back rested against the wall as she was instructed to lift her feet up. Once she had accomplished that task, Master Jeffrey demanded she drop her knees open, leaving her pelvic area wide open to his view.

Was he going to make love to her now? Hell, that was a stupid label for what he would be doing, Corinne admonished herself. Jeffrey had made it clear he planned to fuck her any way and as often as he could during his allotted time of the contract. It should repulse her, make her sick. But Corinne had to fight against the next wave for pleasure threatening to overwhelm her. She dared not upset Master Jeffrey by having an orgasm without his permission.

Instead of pulling out his cock, he turned on the faucet, completely confusing Corinne.

Was he going to clean up before the dirty fun even began?



Master Jeffrey put her in the damn cage.

It wasn’t her fault. If their damn contract was legally binding, Corinne was sure any court of law would agree she was well within her rights and award her damages. She had been a perfect submissive, allowing him total control of her body. Dammit, she’d even allowed him to shave her public area after he doused her with cold water just as she was about to climax.

She’d been expecting hot sex. Instead, he’d lathered her up and proceeded to use a straight edge razor to remove every bit of hair below her waist. At first, she had been terrified to have a sharp object gliding across her skin. But Master Jeffrey’s skill was apparent, and he’d demanded she stop tensing up and lean back while he completed his task. The edge of the blade pulled at her skin, and the muscles of her neither region tensed in protest.

It was a relief when he finally rinsed the area. Then he’d pulled out a pair of tweezers and Corinne could not stop herself from protesting. Not that he’d cared. He’d lifted her up from the counter, delivering several sharp slaps to her backside. Since she was already numb from holding the same position for an extended period of time, the pain barely registered. Then he started slapping her pussy, and she’d screamed bloody murder.

Loud pounding from the other side of the door followed. He swore but stopped moving. “Tell them you are okay!” Master Jeffrey demanded.

“Like hell,” Corinne said.

“Eyes on me, Corinne-girl. You belong to me tonight. Todd already had his chance and Eric’s turn is coming soon enough. If you don’t call them off, we both know Todd is going to break down that door and come between us. The two of us will never get another chance like this, to explore each other’s limits and test how explosive our passions can be. The contract will be null and void and nobody wins. Is that what you want?”

“Time out!” The words tore from deep inside her. Corinne had reached a point where logical reasoning was impossible. She needed to step back and reassess her position. The only way to do that without violating the damn contract was to use one of her safewords. Why she didn’t scream out Rougarou and end this torture was a mystery, but Corinne wasn’t ready to admit total defeat just yet. All she wanted was some time alone to review her options.

Without question, Master Jeffrey returned the tweezers to its proper location and went to open the door. Todd rushed in, taking in the sight of her spread eagle on the counter, a few stray tears running down her cheeks. He helped her down and examined every inch of her body for signs of trauma. Corinne realized it was a strong possibility her Daddy might attack Master. The thought of either man being harmed made her regret not following the earlier order to assure everyone she was okay.

“What the hell happened?” Todd demanded as he shoved a shaking Corinne behind his back, acting like a human shield.

“She called a timeout,” Master Jeffrey said in a calm, almost indifferent voice.

Corinne felt the rage pulsing through her Daddy’s body and felt real fear for the first time since the damn catfish tried to attack her yesterday.

It was a relief when Eric stepped between the two men ready to battle. Talking to her from over Todd’s imposing frame, he asked her if she had used a safeword.

Standing on her tippy-toes, Corinne peered at Eric over Todd’s shoulder. “I think we all need a timeout,” she told him in a shaky voice.

He and Todd exchanged some silent message, and once again she wished she understood the damn silent communication the three men shared. After a few minutes, Todd grunted, but stepped from in front of her. Exhaling with relief, Corinne decided calmer heads had prevailed and started to thank Eric for getting the other two to see reason.

To her horror, both Eric and Todd exited the bathroom, leaving Master Jeffrey and Corinne behind. “Okay, Corinne-girl. You have claimed the right to pause play. Follow me.” It took her a few seconds to get her legs to cooperate, but she walked behind him. She assumed she was going to be allowed to return to her room to have an opportunity to reflect and calm down.

Instead, Master Jeffrey strong-armed her into the cage, but not before removing the collar. “You’ve lost the privilege to wear this for the time being. It won’t be returned until you prove you are properly contrite for displeasing your Master.”

“It will snow in the bayou before I ever apologize for stopping you from pulling a few stray hairs off my mounds with those damn tweezers!” She turned to implore Daddy to free her.

Todd bent down to glare at her through the bars. “Please do not tell me I almost killed one of my best friends because you were afraid of a few hairs being plucked out. Dammit, little girl.” Daddy’s disappointment make Corinne feel foolish.

She rushed to explain. “I have had my eyebrows tweezed before. It fucking hurts, so I can only imagine how painful having my pubic hair yanked out would be.”

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