Page 39 of Deke Me

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“Hey, Amanda,” he says, eyes lighting up as he reaches me. His words wrap around my name like it’s something precious, something worth savoring.

“Blake.” My breath hitches as a smile breaks free despite the storm of embarrassment still swirling inside me. He leans down and kisses my mouth, enveloping me in his clean scent as if he’s freshly showered.

The move catches me off guard, but I quickly catch on, parting my lips to let his tongue explore mine, all while praying our first public kiss doesn’t get scrutinized under prying eyes.

As our tongues meet, the outside noise mutes, and what started out feeling awkward and forced now feels undeniably real. The stirring deep in my core can’t tell the difference.

“Tough crowd tonight, huh?” Blake grins while his eyes betray a hint of concern—a silent promise to protect me from scrutiny. I surrender to the moment and bask in his casual confidence and reassuring presence.

“Something like that.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear as Blake grabs my fallen book and hands it back to me.

“Can’t imagine why,” Ryan adds, grin lopsided, glancing at the posse of girls huddled in the corner who look stunned.

Blake’s jaw tightens for half a second—a subtle shift that most wouldn’t notice, but I catch it: annoyance mixed with a hint of anger directed at the group.

“Let’s not worry about them,” Blake says, voice low and soothing. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. “You good?”

“Better now.” The words slip out before I can stop them. A blush rises to my cheeks, but Blake just chuckles.

“Good to hear.” He leans closer, and I swear my heart is about to jump out of my chest.

There’s an undeniable spark between us that zaps any lingering doubts about the potential danger of being near him.

“Thanks for checking in.” A small smile of gratitude plays on my lips because despite this fake relationship being for show, it feels disarmingly real after that kiss. I tuck my free hand under my thigh, warmth from the worn-out leather chair seeping into my palms.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” My chest expands from the concern in Ryan’s voice. He has had my back since we were chemistry partners in our first year here. I stayed over to help him with a failed experiment, and we’ve been friends ever since. It’s an easy friendship, considering we’ve had a lot of classes together.

“I can handle some mean girls.” I’ve done it my entire life.

“Still bullshit,” Maddy interjects.

“I can say something if you want.” Blake’s voice is serious, and as tempting as seeing them put in their place is, it’s not the right path.

“I’ve learned it’s just best to ignore them.”

“But it’s my fault.”

“It’s not your fault they decided to be bitches. You should be able to date anyone you want.”

“Fair point, but I don’t like them upsetting you. You deserve better.” Sincerity drips from his voice, and I practically melt into my chair. The endearments, the small kiss, the hand holding may be fake, but this right here—his worry—that’s real. As real as my heart rate, that increases every time he’s near.

“Let’s get out of here.” Blake’s voice is soft yet easily cuts through the noise.

I hesitate for a breath or two. “Are you sure? We don’t have to?—”

“Hey.” He pulls me closer to him. His breath is a warm whisper against my cheek, thickening the air between us. “I want to be alone with you.”

I nod and release his hand to grab my backpack before intertwining our fingers once more—the rough calluses a stark contrast to my smooth skin. The sensation sends a shiver down my spine as we weave through clinking cups and the astonished looks.

Maddy catches my eye from behind us with a questioning expression. She silently mouths ‘later’ as Ryan lingers by her side, head tilting in a way that suggests he’s not just here for the coffee. My curiosity piques. The last I knew, they hated each other.

“Should we leave those two alone?” I ask as we step outside. The warmth of earlier has cooled slightly.

He glances back at our friends. “They’ll be okay. I think.”

Shaking off the concern, I ask, “Where to?”

“Anywhere,” Blake replies, his smile easy and carefree. “As long as it’s away from all that.” He gestures back toward the Captain’s Cup behind us.
