Page 74 of Forever Flaunting

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“What do you mean?”

“Elana’s an attorney,” he admitted, meeting his eyes. “She’s cool, calm, collected, and sharp as a razor…”

“Why’s she married to your idiotic hide?”

“I have no clue… What about your girl?”

“She’s outgoing, vivacious, so bubbly that it’s enchanting…”

“Why’s she with your smart-alecky self? Has she even met you? You’re like the mini Grim Reaper learning from your squadron daddy…”

“I know… and I don’t know how I’m going to do this without her,” Outfield admitted in a voice that sounded so small and lost. Both men looked at each other with brutal understanding that each was just as flabbergasted as the other at the changes that had come into their lives within the span of a week.

“Same,” Max said glumly, “I don’t think there is anything left to bring up anymore.”

“Thank God for small favors…”

“No kidding… and we aren’t having this talk. Okay? I get enough grief from the guys. Teflon is the biggest jerk and worse than Firefly. He used to be awful before Greene got killed. I remember those days, and he used to really ride my case hard.”

“Nope. We aren’t. Cavalier and Scarecrow would never let us live it down either.”

“Bro-code?” Max suggested, holding up a fist to Outfield.


Only to feel his stomach churn once more as Max gagged again, reaching for the Tums that he’d shoved into the back of the seat pocket in front of him, trying to stem the nausea swirling within him as his intestines began to cramp, too. Yeah, he was really freaking out about leaving Elana, and it was taking its toll on him.

Ugh, he thought painfully. Kill me now…

It was dark when they got back to the barracks and almost ‘lights out.’ Max was so weak from emptying out his body, had slept on the plane from exhaustion, and had finally stopped when he realized that there was no turning back now. He was on his way to Afghanistan, and Elana was thousands of miles away from him. His legs cramped as he walked down the hallway toward their room only to hesitate as a blonde woman walked out of the computer lab.

That was not a good sign. If their computers were down, he wouldn’t be able to email Elana to let her know he had made it back safely. Thankfully, Outfield was already on it, sharing his same thoughts.

“Are the computers down?” Outfield blurted out, glancing at Max.

“Why are you asking me?” the skinny blonde asked bluntly, looking at him with a flat glare. “Do I look like I.T.?”

“Honestly, you look like the laundry fairy or…” Max retorted in what he knew was a smart-alecky comment, but he sure didn’t feel like dealing with some mouthy twig. Nope, he missed his sweet soft angel who had a tongue like a viper that he’d seen in action in court, and he hesitated as Cavalier walked out of the computer room behind her - with two black eyes. “Dude – what happened to you? Did you run into a wall?”

“My wingman’s fist,” Cavalier admitted grimly.

“Who’d you get assigned to? Teflon?”

“Her,” Cavalier muttered angrily, shoving past the two men. Outfield’s mouth dropped open as she waved her fingers at them in delight, smirking. “Fellas, meet Piranha – and I’d shut your yap, Inferno, if I were you.”

“We’ve got a chick on the team?” Max exclaimed in horror, immediately concerned. He needed nothing around him that would ever possibly get back to Elana making her feel any more insecure. Where would a woman sleep? It was all men in the barracks that he knew of – and before he could open his mouth – Outfield elbowed him in the stomach, causing him to loudly exclaim ‘Oof!’

He was aching and sore from hugging a gag-bag…

“We’re both exhausted and missed the introduction,” Outfield began and held out his hand politely. “Welcome to the team… Captain Ely.”

“Captain?” Max squawked in disbelief. She was a higher rank?

“Shut up, Inferno,” Outfield hissed under his breath. “Outranks you, bro…”

“I know that!” Max hissed at him. Craaaaap, he thought silently, realizing that he would have to follow her orders.

“You can call me Piranha.”

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