Page 5 of Captive

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His skin is resilient and tough beneath my teeth. I could not break it no matter how hard I bit down. But I do make some kind of an impression. I hear another growl — not an angry one, but one that sounds like arousal. His fingers move deeper, and his other hand reaches around to grip my punished, welted ass. He pulls me hard against his hand, grinding my clit against the palm of his large hand. Now it is impossible to hide my moans. He is gripping me tight, making pure pleasure race through me. This might have been punishment to begin with, but it isn’t anymore. This is intense intimacy.

I don’t release my grip on his neck either. I hold it and I suckle, and I listen to the answering growling sounds that have to indicate his own growing need. Is it smart to turn my behemoth alien captor on this way? He could put more than his fingers in me, and I am sure that his cock would be much larger than I can take.

But I can’t stop myself. This is the first inkling of control I’ve gotten, the first time I’ve felt as though I can affect him in even half the way he affects me. The grip on my sore ass makes me wriggle and even whimper against his neck. He has to know there is pain, but he must also be feeling the way my pussy is gripping his fingers and saturating them with need.

“You like to play dangerous games,” he says. “You should be careful.”

I would have agreed before being captured by him. Being careful was my watchword. I mutinied against Captain Sullivan out of a desire to be more careful. But I don’t care anymore. Caution be damned. I want to follow the impulses being ignited by our bodies. So I nip him again, more playfully this time. I am not trying to hurt him. I am inviting him to be a little softer, to meet me in our shared lust, no matter how wrong it is.

Outside, the wind is howling a gale. The sound reminds me how free and wild I can be, and how primal this very planet is. Everything in this world is simple in a way much of the universe no longer is. We travel from sophisticated place to sophisticated place, endeavoring to extract local wealth. We prey on those we consider to be weak. Trade vessels. Pleasure vessels. Roamers. Strays. Occasionally we hit a patrol vessel, but that’s usually by mistake. Point is, I am usually the most dangerous and frightening thing in any given room. But not today. Today I am in the arms of a truly terrifying creature who has taken me in hand and demonstrated in undeniable ways that he intends to put a stop to my reign.

Avel slides the fastener down on his pants, that one little seam that keeps everything appropriate. His cock springs free. It is huge, marbled with lighter and darker streaks of purple, and scaled along the shaft all the way to the head. When it lies along the inside of my thigh, it seems absolutely outlandish in scale. I am intimidated as hell, but just as excited. Will he actually try to fuck me? Or will he decide I am too small and too weak to take him?


At first, I did not understand Thorn’s attraction to the human who now warms his bed. I thought it very strange for him to be emotionally invested in a creature that was so very delicate and yet so unconcerned by her own survival. I do not understand humans. These women seem to experience an almost inexorable call to the void, throwing themselves into danger at the slightest provocation seemingly for the thrill of it all. I thought it was limited to the one the captain captured, but if anything this beautiful human woman is wilder still.

I let her bite me, the slight pain only encouraging my own animal impulses. She can nip and growl all she likes. She can be a disobedient little alien creature demanding discipline — and I will be only too pleased to provide it.

She releases her mandibular grip and leans back so she can look up at me. She wants to know what effect she is having. She wants to hurt me. I can see that in her wicked gaze. She has been thoroughly chastised, but her pride will not allow her to simply learn the lesson. Her eyes search mine with a particular hunger I well know: did that hurt? I hope it did.

I feel her inner walls gripping my fingers as our eyes meet, and I take this moment of intimate surrender to look down at her and inspect her soft human features more closely.

She has dark hair much like mine, though it has violet streaks running back from her temples. I do not know if that is natural or not. Her eyes are a brilliant sky blue. Her face bears a scar or two, one that runs across from her left temple to her eyebrow — a wound that must have bled profusely at the time and very nearly taken her sight. There is another on the other side of her face, running from under her earlobe down to her chin. That wound must have been incredibly close to removing her head entirely. This woman is a warrior. I understand warriors, even if I do not understand human women.

Beating her was a pleasure. I truly enjoy punishing those who deserve it, and there is no doubt that she is deserving. It has no doubt been a long time since she encountered anyone capable of besting her. I imagine the reddish discoloration on her face and chest, places I did not strike her, are manifestations of the shame she must surely feel at having been so thoroughly handled.

Or perhaps it is arousal? I can scent a delicious smell coming from between her thighs, where the dark hair glistens with a dampness that entices me into further exploration. She grinds against me, her hips making constant circular movements that invite mating. The motion makes her whipped cheeks undulate back against my palm as I sink my fingers inside her mating channel, finding it surprisingly strong and elastic. I did wonder how Thorn mated his human — marveled at her ability to take his saurian cock. Now I understand. This woman is made to be fucked. Her body is soft but strong and supple, and the space nature made for a male to take his pleasure is admirably suited to the task.

I want to be inside her. My cock is throbbing with a perverse kind of need. I promised myself I’d never fall prey to the charms of a human female ever since I saw the way the other one made Thorn go soft in the head. But I feel a primal draw that is impossible to ignore. Every instinct in my body tells me I need to dominate and mate this woman. Maybe it is some kind of ancestral warning — these humans are dangerous, but if they are contained they are less of a threat.

Pulling my fingers from that hot little hole, I lift her up, using her sore little ass as a grip by which to raise her up against me.

I have already freed my cock from the confines of the leather-tied pants that keep me decent. It has been throbbing and twitching with need, shadowing my thoughts with its demands. I know better than to do this. I know better than to allow whatever human magic is at work here to charm me into mating this woman. I should take her to the cells. I should lock her away. I should…

She makes a soft whimpering sound, her wide, round eyes looking up at me with what I sense must be a rare moment of wanton vulnerability. She wants this. She wants it every bit as badly as I do. I shouldn’t give her what she wants. She’s been such a bad captive.

But maybe she will be a good fuck toy.

It has been a long time since I mated with any females of any species. I have devoted myself to the running of Grave City and the punishing of those who deserve it. My little home collection is nothing compared to what I have down at the Halls of Bones. I will be taking her down there shortly, but for now, I think I am about to do something very rare: what I want to do and not what I should do.

She is dripping with need as I lift her soft, tender form aloft and sink her down onto my cock. It is an easier and more natural motion than I imagined. She opens up around the head of my rod in a hot, buttery welcome. The inner walls that gripped my fingers now stretch tight around the flared flesh entering her.

I watch her eyes go wide, her mouth making an O of surprise as her body submits to mine. I know that she was not made for a thick saurian mating rod. I can feel her internal muscles clenching and stretching at the same time as she takes my scaled cock.

I cannot stop looking into her bright blue eyes. I see eons there. I feel eternity wrapping around me just as surely as I feel her hot body wrapped around my dick. I know in that instant, this human is my mate. There is no doubt about it.

My kind can dally in all kinds of sexual affairs like any other kind of saurian. But when we mate, we do so for life. It is a trait that comes with the wings. I was starting to doubt that I would ever find my mate. Too many interludes with too many females had led me to think that the best thing I could feel was the release of my seed. I was wrong.

This connection with this defiant, wet, hot little human who looks at me with fiery passion is something I have never experienced before. It feels like the entirety of my being, every part of my soul is being awoken. I feel a rush of tenderness and of lust at the same time. I want to possess her. I want to dominate her. I want to make her mine in every sense, so she knows that there will never, ever be another male for her.


Avel is fucking me. He’s stretching me wider than I knew I could go. I’ve never been a size queen, never thought a big cock mattered. It fucking matters.

“Harder,” I moan.

Every bit of dominant treatment makes me crave him all the more. My body is making its own demands. I can tell he is being careful. I can tell he is holding back. I don’t want him to. I want him to take me with everything he is and has. It is like falling all over again, but this time I don’t want to be caught. This time I want the gravity of his love to claim me.
