Page 72 of Bedroom King

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I wokeup the following day feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

Lenny’s had been busy the night before, which meant good tips, but I almost fell asleep driving home. Everyone but myself had moved out of the Rho Alpha Xi sorority house for the semester, including Emily. It felt weird waking up and not seeing her in her bed.

I made my way downstairs, took one look at the empty house, and realized I’d outgrown it.

Maybe it was because Blade and I were officially together, but the thought of attending sorority functions next semester was more than I could handle. Not to mention all of the parties I’d have to oversee. Plus, my schedule was full enough with waitressing that I’d miss most of the events anyway.

I made my way into the kitchen, poured myself a cup of coffee, and decided to speak with Blade about possibly moving in together next semester. The two of us could pool our money and split an apartment. Then again, he was the President of Omicron Alpha, so that might not be possible.

I pondered the idea that perhaps he felt the same as me, that the lifestyle of living in a fraternity no longer benefitted or interested him. Campus life wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be.

I drove into work a short while later and got ready for my last day at Lenny’s for the semester. I usually didn’t come in until later in the afternoon, but only a handful of servers were still working due to most going home for break.

Another server asked me to help them get drinks for a ten-top, which was fine since I had yet to be sat. As I scooped ice into glasses and filled them up with soda, I overheard Aiden and another guy from Omicron Alpha chatting at the counter. He and I had barely exchanged words at Exley, and I knew why.

He viewed me as the girl who took his best friend away.

Thankfully, they weren’t sitting in my section and hadn’t even seen me. The soda fountain was right around the corner from the counter, though, which meant I heard every part of their conversation.

“Yo, last night was wild, bro,” Aiden said. I didn’t know him well, but it was such an Aiden thing to say, as if partying and the words used to describe partying is all he could talk about.

“Tell me about it, Aiden. How are you even functioning right now? You were chugging beers all night long.”

Aiden let out a disgusting belch. “Yeah, I should probably ease up. Sometimes I think my body is twenty-two going on fifty.”

“So, are you gonna try and become the next Bedroom King?”

I desperately wanted to hear the rest of this conversation, so I leaned in a little closer.

“Probably. I don’t see what’s stopping me. It just sucks that Blade’s gone all monogamous on us now.”

“I think it’s sweet,” the other guy said. “Blade’s speech about falling in love kinda pulled at my heartstrings.”

I clutched the ice scoop to my chest, realizing that I didn’t have anything to worry about. Blade had genuinely fallen in love with me, as I had with him.

Aiden burst out laughing, though, which filled me with rage. He’d never been supportive of Blade being anything other than a drunk frat boy. Single White Male syndrome or something.

“Don’t let him fool you, bro. I guarantee Blade will break up with Isabella again by the end of the next semester.”

“What makes you say that?”

I carefully placed the final glass of soda on the tray, waiting for the right moment to bring them out.

“You saw how quickly he bolted when he thought she was pregnant.”

“Yeah, but now they’re back together.”

I refused to believe anything that Aiden had to say, keeping my head high as I walked confidently back out into the dining room.

“Bro, you heard how this whole thing came about last night.”

“Tell me more,” the guy said to Aiden. I remained still, eager to hear his story.

“Blade might have been The Bedroom King, but at the beginning of the semester, he was slacking. He wouldn’t even tell me how many girls he’d hooked up with.”

“Get the fuck out,” the other guy said.

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