Page 62 of Bedroom King

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“Of course it is! He has an entire social media profile dedicated to ruining me.”

Emily shrugged before tearing into a piece of cake. “He’ll get tired of that eventually, especially when he sees that you’ve moved on from him. He’s an asshole. I can practically attest that he’s the worst, but sometimes the best revenge is no revenge. Sometimes, the best revenge is to just be happy.”

“I hope so, but even if that happens, I still have to get back at him. Jason needs to fucking learn a lesson.”

Emily sighed before sliding off her bed and sitting down next to me on mine. “That’s not your job. Jason will get what’s coming to him because that’s how the universe works.”

“How can I be so sure, though?”

She wrapped her arm around me. “You always get what you put out, Isabella. Even if it doesn’t happen right away, it will eventually. Life is only what you make of it, and getting revenge on Jason will only bring more toxicity into yours. Is that what you really want?”

Of course, it wasn’t. “No.”

“And having come from money, unlike me, can you honestly say that it brings you happiness?”

Even though I knew the answer, I waited a few minutes before replying. “No, it doesn’t. I’d have given every last penny of my family’s fortune to have a better childhood.”

“Have you given your parents a definitive answer yet?”

I shook my head, too tired to continue talking in circles about my parents, Jason, and Blade.

“Well, you should probably nip that in the bud first thing tomorrow morning. And you know what the right answer is, too. Don’t you?”

I cradled my head into Emily’s chest, thankful to have her but I also wished that my head was in someone else’s lap. I secretly wished I was lying in Blade’s at the moment. They were my two comforts in the world, albeit in different ways.

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