Page 92 of The Devil is a Dom

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“Knock, knock!” a foreign voice called out.

I started down the hallway and met the uniformed man at the front door. “Officer, we’re glad you’re here.”

He peeked around my body. “How many people are inside?”

Eden’s mother came up beside me. “Four of us, in total. We’re coming out now.”

The officer furrowed his brow. “Is anyone hurt? Whoever was here really did a number on the house.”

Eden scoffed as she pushed past all of us to get outside. “No fucking kidding.”

The officer’s eyes widened, but I smoothed things over. “It’s been a long night for all of us. They’re scared.”

He nodded. “And rightfully so. Come on out and we can get your statements. Then, me and my men are going to take a walk around the property and see what we can find.”

“Thank you so much for getting here so quickly,” Mrs. Rochere said.

The officer tipped his hat to her. “Just doing our job, ma’am.”

Another uniformed person stepped up behind the officer I had been talking to. “We’ll each take one and get their statements at the same time. You know, just in case.”

“Just in case, what?” Mr. Rochere asked curtly.

Eden piped up. “Just in case we’re trying to sync up our stories.”

His eyes grew wide. “Why the hell would we do that? We were attacked in our own home!”

Eden sighed. “It’s just precautionary, Dad. But to be honest? You look guiltier than all of us. So, stop yelling and stop posturing and stop trying to control everything and just… fucking talk, yeah?”

“You should listen to her,” I said as I looked down at the man.

He didn’t bother looking up at me. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

And as officers pulled us in all sorts of directions, I found my gaze gravitating back to Eden.

Who stood in front of a female officer with her arms practically wrapped around her entire body to keep from visibly shaking.

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