Page 52 of The Devil is a Dom

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Her smile told me everything I needed to know. “He was an absolute gentleman… until I told him not to be.”

I swallowed the bile creeping up the back of my throat. “Lovely. I’m glad you had a good time. I’m sorry that I wasn’t available or anything this weekend to hang out. Work has me slammed right now.”

She waved her hand in the air. “You don’t even have to apologize. As weird as it sounds, the weekend turned out perfectly despite all of that. So, I suppose in a strange way, I have your absence to thank for that. Had we been hanging out, I would’ve most certainly cancelled on the man.”

“Too bad,” I murmured.


I drew in a deep breath. “Nothing. Just thinking about all the shit I have to do this week. And speaking of work, do you have any jobs coming up?”

I was glad she pivoted with me. “You know, despite the drama that went down at Dominik’s party, I’m still getting orders and gigs. So, I’m hopeful that it’ll all blow over with time.”

It’s blowing over, because I’m blowing him. “Good. You let me know if that changes, all right?”

“What are you gonna do if it does? Sue them all into oblivion?”

No, I’m only going to sue one person. “You know what I mean.”

She stood to her feet. “I know, I know. Oh! I know you just said that work has you swamped, but are you free this weekend by any chance?”

I shook my head. “I’m not, unfortunately. This is my busy season, so my weekends are pretty much booked out for the next couple of months.”

She giggled. “Every season is your busy season.”

“It happens when you’re good at what you do. Trust me, you’ll get there, eventually.”

“So… it’s just work?”

My face fell flat. “Seriously, Emily?”

“What!? I’m sorry, I know you don’t like Dominik and all, but I saw the way he kept looking at you at that banquet. It wouldn’t shock me one bit if he ended up approaching you for a date.”

“I would rather die.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re too hard on men, you know that?”

I shook my head. “No, I just hold them to a higher standard than society does.”

“So, you really mean to tell me that you were honest-to-God working all this past weekend, and you’re going to be working every single weekend, nonstop, for the next two months? Really?”

I sighed heavily. “You know the non-profit is starting to pick up steam. We’re really getting around town, and there are a lot of people in this place that need legal advice and counsel but don’t have the money to pay for it. And when we’re not working, we’re trying to raise funds. That’s what’s got me so busy right now. It’s fundraising season there and court season in here.”

She slid her gaze up and down the parts of me she could see. “Uh huh. Well, suit yourself.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that I went by the non-profit this weekend to try and find you and they said they hadn’t seen you at all.”

I blinked. “Is this the part where I tell you that my clients are protected by attorney-client privilege? So, I can’t discuss anything with you even if I wanted to?”

“I’m not asking about your cases. I’m asking about where you were.”

Jesus, can you just back off? “Emily, please. I—”

She held up her hands in mock surrender. “Look, if it’s too fresh or whatever for you to be talking about it, I totally get it. I just hope you’re taking time for yourself, is all. You do too much for others, and if you want to keep Mr. Man Piece a secret for now, I completely get it. You share a lot of yourself all the time, so I’m just glad you have something worth keeping to yourself.”

“Emily, there isn’t anything happen—”

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