Page 22 of The Devil is a Dom

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He looked up at me with a confused look rushing behind his red, puffy eyes. “Why, ma’am?”

Emily stepped up to my side. “This is my sister, Eden, and she’s one of the foremost defense lawyers in the city.”

I smiled softly, trying to comfort him as I squeezed his shoulder. “If that man comes after you, I’m going to represent you. Pro bono. He isn’t going to drag you through the mud if you didn’t do anything. And you didn’t do anything, right?”

He shook his head so vehemently that I had no choice but to believe him. “I swear to you, Miss Eden, she came back here and asked for a clean-up service. I took a silver tray to go pick up the glass, because I figured there would be some, and the second I stepped into the room she tugged me inside. She slammed me against the wall!”

“So, what you’re saying is that she cornered you. Not the other way around?”

A tear dripped down his face. “It happened so quickly that I’m not really sure what happened. She tugged me in, whipped me against a wall, and just… kissed me! I don’t even like women. My boyfriend is one of the cooks.”

Emily nodded in the corner of my vision. “He’s right. Him and Darius have been dating for—”

I cupped the boy’s cheek. “You leave the legal stuff to me. Get my number from Emily before you head home, and if anyone from that man’s legal team calls you, you give them my number. Talk to no one about what’s happened. If anyone asks questions, your response is my number. Got it?”

He sighed heavily. “Yeah, I got it.”

“Good. Emily?”


I placed my free hand on her shoulder as well. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t tank your business. Just give me some time to put something together, okay?”

“Who the fuck is still back here?”

The heated voice of the man of the hour barreled through the kitchen door. I whipped around, pushing my sister and that poor boy behind me as Dominik turned to face all of us. His features dark with fury. He marched up to us and I put my hand out, stopping him in his tracks. And as he slowly looked down at my hand against his chest, I heard him physically grinding his teeth together.

“Move,” he glowered.

I shook my head. “No. What you need to do is leave and let us clean up.”

He slapped my hand out of the way and closed the distance between us. “Are you really the kind of woman to defend a boy who’s willing to force himself onto another woman?”

I held my head high with pride, even though he towered over me. “No, but I am a weapon of the law, and in this country? One is innocent until proven guilty.”

He scoffed, “So you’re calling her a liar? And what does she gain from lying about a busboy? It’s clear who the victim is here.”

“Someone here has been victimized and I’m trying to get down to the truth before I go casting stones with the rest of you. The boy has a right to defend himself against the accusations, and I’ll see to it that he has a proper defense.”

Dominik’s eyes raked down my body before he rolled his shoulders back and I felt my nipples peak under his gaze. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I fucking hate lawyers.” He said.

“Good. I hate arrogant know-it-all rich pricks.”

He pointed at my sister. “You’re finished. Get your shit and get out of here. I’ll have someone else come through and clean it up.”

Emily cleared her throat. “Sir, you’re paying us to—”

“You’re going to be lucky if I pay you for the bullshit you pulled this evening!”

My smile grew so big it almost closed my eyes. “I’m sure you two signed a contract, right?”

His gaze snapped back to mine. “That contract is null and void if I say it’s null and void.”

“Funny, I wonder if a judge will see it that way? And outside of that, I’m sure that when we pull surveillance footage of those back rooms, we’ll see—”

He barked with laughter in my face. “The people that attend this event pay a premium price per plate for their privacy. Good luck with that.”

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