Page 14 of The Devil is a Dom

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The second the crowd parted, I watched my sister barrel through the side kitchen door. My smile grew so big that it almost closed my eyes, and she threw her arms around me and hugged me as tight as she could. I rocked her side to side, feeling her entire body trembling as people ebbed and flowed around us.

And while I had dressed appropriately, I couldn’t wait to get out of there so that I could change into some yoga pants.

“Don’t look now,” Emily whispered as she continued hugging me, “but there’s a tall, charming man to your left with brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. See him?”

I darted my eyes for the smallest of seconds. “The one with the hands in his pockets?”

“That’s the one!” she squealed as she released me. “Jackson Lyles Barrington. What a dreamboat, huh? We’ve been flirting all night. He asked me out for a drink after we get the party wrapped up. Can you believe that? The suit alone that he’s wearing probably costs more than a whole year’s worth of rent.”

I nodded my head. “It has been a while since you’ve been on a date.”

“Right!?” she said a bit too loudly, making me wince with the tone of her voice. “I mean, he’s hot as hell, right?”

I shrugged. “Not really my type, but I get why you’re into him.”

“So, I sort of have a favor to ask.”

I shook my head. “Oh, no.”

“Please, please, please, pleeeease!? I just need a little help breaking down after the party. You know, so I can go get that drink?”

I loved my sister, but sometimes she was far too naïve. She assumed that because she was kind, loving, and forgiving, that everyone else was too. But these people were a whole different breed, and I worried that her behavior could be seen in a negative light.

“You told me I only had to make an appearance. Not stay the entire night.”

“Well, you’ve already sort of agreed to helping out throughout the evening.”

“Yeah, if you needed help getting food out or wrangling your staff. But, breaking the entire night down? I don’t know how to do that.”

She winked at me, as if I were telling her a joke or something. “Have you seen yourself in this dress, by the way?”

I blinked. “Don’t change the subject, Em.”

My sister snickered as she swatted at me playfully. “Oh, come on. Look at you,” she said before she twirled me around by my shoulders, “you’re dressed just as nicely as anyone here. In fact, you’re pretty much outdoing some people here. This dress hugs your curves so well. And look at its shimmer! I’m always so damn jealous when you put on a dress like this. I’m over here giving people stick-figure and pipe-cleaner, while you’re giving them bombshell goddess and—”

I rolled my eyes at my sister. Her compliments were just a way of getting what she wants out of me, which is me staying longer than intended at this pompous event.

“Stop it, before you make my head explode.” I said and she giggled.

“—I don’t believe we’ve met.”

The deep, low tones reverberated through my entire ribcage, holding my spine hostage as a shiver slid down its expanse. I turned away from my sister, who was suddenly rushing back to the kitchen, and focused on the towering man standing beside me. The second my gaze met his ice blue eyes, I realized why my body had reacted that way.

Holy fuck.

I was now standing in front of the man I’d come hard to less than twenty-four hours ago.

“Dominik Drake,” he said, offering me his hand.

“I know,” I answered without meaning to.

“Then, I suppose your introduction is the only one necessary.”
