Page 128 of Knight of the Goddess

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With a roaring, crashing sound, he rushed towards me, claws extending and tearing my tunic from my body like a feral animal.

His hot, hungry mouth fumbled to my breasts. Mouth biting and fingers tugging at my nipples, cupping and kneading my breasts until I was gasping and moaning.

My trousers were slashed off, falling to the ground in ribbons. I was shaken, scratched, but he had not harmed me otherwise.

Then he was lifting me up onto the stone slab and pushing me backwards, my breasts tilting upwards towards the high cavern overhead as if in a twisted distortion of worship.

But there was only one god I worshiped. And he had my body at his command now, to do with as he willed.

He sucked at one nipple, then the other, as my body arched. I pushed my hands to the stone, gasping, trying futilely to maintain some control. But as he dragged his tongue over one breast, almost painfully, I let out a ragged breath. He rubbed his wide palms back and forth, catching my nipples between his fingers and squeezing as pleasure laced through me.

I raised my hands, weaving them through his hair. The thick strands were damp from sweat and the misty air around us. I wrapped my hands through the thick, black tendrils and shamelessly urged him downwards.

He let out a low, hoarse growl, and to my surprise, stood back.

In the torchlight he stood there for a moment, his gaze raking over me, taking me in, stripped and naked on the cold stone, breasts upturned, thighs bare, and the place between them... wet and entirely exposed.

I shifted slightly, biting my lip under the force of that unsettling dark gaze. All too aware of how I must look, vulnerable and nude on the altar slab. A sacrifice to lust. To grief.

“What is it?” I whispered. “What do you want?”

He let out a raspy breath. “What do I want? I want to fuck you with my face until you come so hard screaming my name that the stones crumble around us. And then...”

There was more? I shivered, palms down on the cold stone.

He was unlacing his trousers, pulling out the head of his long, swollen cock and wrapping his fist around it. “Then I want to fuck you with my cock, fill you up as you clench around it, so good and so tight...” A look of near-torment crossed his face, as if waiting even another moment was causing him pain. “As I take you the way you were meant to be taken. Like you were made for me. And then, when we’re through, I want you to wrap your lips around my cock and take me in your mouth while I lie atop you and take you in mine again and again until we’re spent.”

There was silence in the temple. In the distance, a pebble clattered.

I shivered though I did not feel cold.

“Do you have any objections to any of that?” Draven growled, breaking the silence. His voice echoed off the walls.

In the dim light, I quickly shook my head.


“None.” I wanted it all. Wanted him to do everything to me he had ever imagined. “I’m yours. Do with me what you will.”

He moved towards me, grabbing my wrists and slamming them down on the stone, then pushing them over my head. I flinched, feeling the tender skin on my arms erupt in pain as it slid over the rough rock.

His mouth moved between my legs, snarling as he lowered his head like a ravenous beast, as if intent on devouring me whole.

His tongue slid over my folds, then went straight to my clit. A strangled gasp went through me as I reflexively moved my wrists, pulling against the confines of his hands.

Draven didn’t loosen his hold. He simply switched my manacles, grasping both my wrists with one of his hands, squeezing them even more tightly in place as he moved his free hand between my legs and mercilessly slid all four fingers inside me.

I screamed. I screamed, and as I did, I wondered if the stones truly would fall around us.

As his mouth worked against my clit and his hand thrust between my legs, filling me again and again, I had no words for the feeling of pleasure coursing through me. He filled me completely. The touch of his mouth on my throbbing clit, the feel of myself soaking wet against his mouth. It was too much. Too much. I felt choked. Sweat fell in beads to the stone below me. I writhed against him, not caring who might hear, who might see.

He thrust his hand in and out of me, hard, and for a panicked moment, I wondered if he would care if I tore right now, and then I was tearing, exploding, breaking. A bright flash of light ripped across the temple as I burst, destroyed and devastated.

Above us, an ancient stalactite fell, landing with a crash far across the vast room.

I moved as if to seek his mouth, a plaintive moan escaping my lips.

But Draven was already atop me, pinning me down with his entire muscled body.

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