Page 81 of A Marriage of Lies

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To: [email protected]


Dear Rowan,

They won’t let me stay at the station all day and night. Hood forced me to go home and sleep, which I didn’t. I can’t sleep knowing you’re behind bars.

This thing has turned into a shit-show. It’s a freaking circus. The media is everywhere. The town is in an uproar. You should know that there are plenty of people who think you are innocent, as do I.

Here’s what I know so far. Shepherd has turned over everything to the FBI—cell phones, phone records, iPads, devices, etc. He’s given them full access to your home. I haven’t spoken to him personally, but I know that he’s been in hours of interviews with the feds. He says he didn’t know a thing. As far as I know, he is not considered an accomplice.

They had to assign a security detail at Amber Bailey’s home. She’s getting hounded by the press. She’s supposed to meet with the feds this afternoon at two o'clock for her second round of witness interviews. In the first, she told them what she told me. They’ve requested her clinical files on the three women, as well as your file.

As for me, I’ve been shut out of the case, because I was your partner and therefore am considered biased. Regardless, I’m keeping my ear to the ground and will update you every second I can. Hoffman has promised me that he’ll sneak in his phone to you, every opportunity he can, so we can email back and forth—like this.

Rowan, I want you to be strong. To fight with me. I am here, Rowan, every second thinking of you and actively working to help you. You are not alone. Don’t lose hope. I won’t.

You are still the greatest woman I’ve ever met. Do not give up Rowan. I will fight for you.

I will fight for us.



“I’d like to speak to the judge please.”

“Um, ma’am, you’re at the police station.” The receptionist glances over my shoulder to April, my nurse who I talked into taking me here as driving is no longer an option due to my advancing disease.

“The judge usually works at the courthouse,” the receptionist clarifies.

I smooth my dress shirt and lift my chin. I can feel April withering in embarrassment next to me.

“Then I want to speak to someone who’s dealing with the Rowan Velky case.”

This gets the receptionist’s attention. “And your name?”

“My name is Jennifer Willmont. Rowan is my niece.”

“Oh, okay. Well, her case is being handled at the federal level. I can call one of the agents who is handling it, but I can’t guarantee he’ll agree to see you.”

“I’ll wait.”

An hour later, the heavy steel door opens and a tall, lanky man in a navy suit walks out.

I stand. He offers his hand.

“Ms. Willmont, my name is Brian Briggs. I’m an agent with the FBI. Pleasure to meet you.”

“Pleasure to meet you. This is one of my nurses, April. I have Alzheimer’s.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

They shake hands.

“I’ve come to plead for my niece’s release,” I say.

His brows arch.
