Page 72 of A Marriage of Lies

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His eyes narrow.

I pick at a speck of dried something stuck to the table. “Also, I’ve decided that I’m going to move Aunt Jenny to that facility in Dallas, the one I talked to you about a few days go. I’m going to go to the facility this morning to talk to them about it. Anyway, when we go, I thought you could come with me. You and I could spend some time together after she gets settled. You know, get out of town for a bit. Maybe go on a proper date.”

He stares at me like I have horns growing out of my head.

“Oh, and I noticed the computer downstairs in the basement is running hot. I’m going to take it to that electronic shop, Java Fix, to check it out. Maybe have the fan replaced.”

An alert vibrates from Shepherd’s phone. I’m not sure if it’s a call or a text, but it takes everything I have not to snatch it and check the sender.

A beat passes as Shepherd and I stare each other, him careful to keep his eyes on mine and off his phone—or perhaps careful to make sure I don’t see what’s on his phone.

Nerves inch up my back.

“Shepherd.” I lean in. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You’d tell me if something was going on, right? We promised, remember? No secrets. Not between us.”

His phone vibrates again.

Our eyes never leave each other’s.



Come on, come on… My heart is roaring as I pull onto the side of the road. I can’t drive. I can’t focus. I can’t breathe.

His phone goes to voicemail.


Hands shaking, I open a new text:

Me: We need to talk immediately.

I set the phone on my lap—anxiously awaiting his response—and stare at the new tattoo on my wrist. Usually, I keep it concealed by wearing a watch over it, but this morning, I forgot. I rub my thumb against it. I need you, I need you, I need you…

When there is no response, I type again.

Me: Call me. Now. It’s extremely important.

No response.

Me: It’s about the woman who was just found. CALL ME.

I feel like I’m going to throw up.

Five minutes pass, no response.

He must be with Rowan.

I bang my palms against the steering wheel.

“Dammit, Shepherd.”


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