Page 52 of A Marriage of Lies

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“I’ll be right there.”

“FYI,” Willa says. “I’m pretty sure he’s drunk. If not, he’s a total mess. Just wanted to give you a heads up.”


I shove my phone into my pocket. “I’ve got to go. Zach just showed up at the station, says he wants to talk.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“No. Stay here. They need someone?—”


“Detective Palmer, stay here at the scene. That’s an order.”



Zach Kaing surges off his chair as I step through the police station sliding glass doors. Willa wasn’t joking. The guy’s a mess. His eyes are bloodshot, his face flushed and riddled with nerves. He’s wearing a T-shirt with the beginnings of sweat stains under the arms, a pair of baggy basketball shorts, and running shoes that are untied. A far cry from the expensive suit he was wearing for our meeting earlier in the day. I notice that his attorney, Dennis, is not with him.

“Detective.” He rushes to me, and on instinct, my body flinches.

“Mr. Kaing, is everything alright?” I ask, taking a step back.

“I need to talk to you.”

This is when I notice what appears to be a laptop sleeve clutched to his chest.

“Okay, let me get the conference room ready. I’ll be right back, please wait here.”

Willa is watching, wide-eyed from behind the bullet-proof glass as I swipe my badge and slip through the door. I poke my head around the corner. “You weren’t kidding. He’s a mess. Did he come alone?”

“I think so, yes.”

“Check the security cameras outside and confirm that please.”

“Will do.”

“Has he made any calls since he’s been waiting?”


“Texts? On his phone at all?”

“No, he’s been pacing like a wild animal. I’ve kept my eye on him. Don’t worry.”

“Good, thank you. You did the right thing by calling me. No matter what time of day or night, if it’s my case, always call.”

“Yes ma’am.”

I begin to turn away, but pause. “Hey, if we’re back there for a while, will you poke your head outside and make sure Banjo’s okay? He’s in my car; I left the windows cracked.”

“Of course.”

“Thanks. And if Shepherd calls, tell him I’m in an unexpected meeting. I’m going to put my cell on silent.”

“You got it.”

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