Page 41 of Chaining Justice

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"Stop," I gasped, pulling back before the pleasure became too intense. Her eyes fluttered up to meet mine, confusion clouding her features.

"I want to..." I panted, struggling to articulate my thoughts. "I want you with me."

Understanding dawned on her face and she rose from her knees, wrapping her arms around my neck as she pulled herself closer. Our bodies molded together under the warm water, our breaths mingling as we kissed passionately.

"This okay? It doesn't hurt?"

"It's better than okay," I told her. "It doesn't hurt at all."

Her hands trailed down my chest, sending shivers down my spine as she explored every inch of me. I cradled her face in my hands, studying the beauty that was Justice Rosales. The woman who was a tempest and calm all at once - a woman who had walked into my life and irrevocably changed it.

I slid one hand into her hair, the other resting on her hip. I pulled her closer, until our bodies were as close as they could get. Her soft curves pressed against my hard lines.

"Justice," I whispered, my voice filled with a raw desire that left me feeling vulnerable. "You're beautiful."

Her soft giggle echoed in the bathroom, bouncing off the tiled walls and filling the air. "And you, Hassan," she said, her voice husky and filled with emotion. "You're not so bad."

"Up," I whispered against her lips. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms tight around my neck as I positioned us just right. My body screamed for release but I held back, wanting to savor every second.

As I entered her, we both gasped out in pleasure. Her nails dug into my shoulders while her teeth bit down on my lower lip–little points of pain that only heightened the pleasure coursing through me.

"Fuck," she breathed out, burying her face in the crook of my neck. I could feel her walls clenching around me, the sensation driving me closer to the edge. But I held back, determined to make this last as long as possible. I wanted to remember every detail—the way her body moved against mine, the way her breath hitched every time I shifted inside her, the way her moans filled the room.

Slowly, I began to move, my movements perfectly mirroring hers. Every thrust elicited a soft gasp from her, each one louder than the last. The wet sound of our bodies moving together echoed in the room—thrust, sigh, gasp, moan–reminding me that I was alive.

No one would take me away from her.

Not Jez. Not Vito fucking De Luca.

Her nails dug deeper into my shoulders as I increased my pace. Her body shuddered against mine, and I knew she was close. I reached down between us, my fingers finding her clit with practiced ease. Her thighs trembled against my waist as she came undone, her body clenching around mine as she screamed out in pleasure.

The sound of her release triggered my own, and I groaned, burying my face in her neck as I came. The world spun around us as we clung to each other, the water from the shower washing away the remnants of our pleasure.

I held her close as we rode out our climaxes, our bodies trembling together under the steady stream of water. Gradually, our breaths slowed and the tremors subsided. She leaned back to look at me, her eyes soft and filled with a tender love that took my breath away.

Eventually, we untangled from one another, standing under the warm water as we caught our breaths. Her head rested against my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist. I kissed the top of her head, smelling the sweet scent of her hair mixing with the steam from the shower.

"I love you," she whispered against my chest.

"I love you too," I replied, holding her tight against me. This woman was everything to me, and I would do anything to keep her safe.

Our moment of blissful peace was abruptly interrupted by the muffled ring of a phone. Groaning, I reached out for it on the bathroom counter, catching sight of Bash's name flashing across the screen.

"What does he want?" Justice said, then her eyes widened. "Shit, am I late?"

I held back the urge to laugh. "I'm not that sorry to have kept you."

"I'm sure you aren't," she said. She snatched the towel and wrapped it around herself, her movements quick and efficient. "I have to go, Hassan. This meeting with the wedding planner is just a cover. Bash and I...we've found something big, something that could change everything for us."

My heart sank at her words–not because of the impending danger, but because every time she walked out that door, I was gripped with the fear that she might not walk back in.

"Be careful," I whispered, capturing her hand and pressing my lips to her knuckles. The underlying current of danger that ran through our lives never ceased to remind me how fragile our bliss was.

She nodded, her eyes locking with mine with an intensity that said more than words could. And then she was gone—out the door in a flash of urgency—leaving me alone with the echoing silence and a creeping dread that settled in my stomach like lead. It was then that I noticed it—a small, almost imperceptible red dot dancing across the floor, coming to rest on the bathroom door just moments after Justice had left.

A laser sight.

Someone had followed her here. Someone was watching us. And as the red dot disappeared, only one thought echoed through my mind.
