Page 16 of Jagged Edges

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“Ah, em,” Zeke drops his hand and as he turns, I snap out of the trance. Spencer cocks her head to the side as I turn to face her, and she clears her throat loudly. “I thought you guys had some sort of business to discuss tonight? Or did you two just show up to fuck on my bar?”

“I mean if you’re offering up the bar Spence…” Zeke trails and she tosses a balled up bar towel in his face.

Rolling my eyes, I interrupt, “What he meant was, yes, we are here on business. He needs to get the layout of the place. Travis wants that new security system in here ASAP.”

“Oh yeah, of course. Well I can’t show you around right now, I’m actually heading out soon, but you guys can feel free to go check everything out. Once I’m gone, just let Cole know if you need anything.”

“Thanks, sweetness,” I smile before turning to face Zeke. “Ready to go take a look around?”

“Let’s go,” he winks, picking up his bottle only to finish downing the entirety of its contents in one long, smooth gulp before we even step away.

Pushing through the crowd, we make our way back toward the doors to the kitchen and as I glance out of my peripheral, I notice Cole standing behind the bar, watching us. He bites down on his lower lip and his eyes glance over in Zeke’s direction. When his eyes flick back to mine, his cheeks turn several shades of red before he turns around to talk to a customer.

Zeke moves ahead, and by the time I snap out of it long enough to catch up, he’s already made it into the kitchen and is taking photos of the layout of the room. Walking up beside him, I notice he’s making small notes in his phone about power sources and potential spots for mounting cameras.

“Did he want external surveillance too or just the internal?”

“External too, everything.”

“Got it. I’ll grab notes and pictures of the outside structure on my way out later then,” he mutters as he makes his way to the office and I follow behind him closely.

“What were you thinking in here?” I ask, as he spins around, bumping directly into me.

Peering up at him, my heart starts racing. He gives me that signature 'Zeke' smirk, and I’m done for.

As if we had any space separating us in the first place, he takes another step forward and presses his hard chest against mine. Zeke may be tall, and slim, but his muscles are hard, toned, and when I’m pressed up against him, my body takes on a mind of its own.

“So, I was thinking panic room in here,” he leans forward, feathering his lips across the crook of my neck, “If anything happens…” he presses his lips down, “just one press of the button and everyone is locked inside. No one in. No one out.”

The tip of his tongue skims lightly across my skin and my cock stirs in my pants.

“Th-that’s a good idea. Like Afterlife,” I stutter.


I fucking stuttered?

“Mmhmm, like Afterlife,” his lips vibrate as he hums against my neck, dragging his teeth gently against my skin. His hands roam down my sides as he steps forward again, forcing me to take a step back. Nipping at my neck, he grips my hips and shoves me hard against the wall.

“I saw that back there, baby boy,” he murmurs softly.

I tense up with nervousness, not sure of the right way to respond.

He caught me checking out Cole.

“It’s ok, I do it too sometimes,” he whispers as he sucks my skin between his lips, and now my head is sufficiently fucked.

He checks out Cole? Or other people?

His erection presses against mine and I rotate my hips, reveling in the feel of his cock against mine, even through the layers of denim. A whimper escapes me as he licks his way up the column of my neck before tilting his head and capturing my lips with his. Trapping me in a bruising, commanding kiss, stealing the breath from my lungs.

Suddenly there’s a vibration between us that makes me twitch, and I groan into Zeke’s mouth. One hand travels up my chest and rests on the side of my neck, his thumb softly rubbing up and down the stubble on my cheek while he completely ravages me.

I try to ignore my phone, but it goes off again, and I have to pump the brakes no matter how much it pains me.

“Hold on,” I murmur, as I pull away, retrieving my phone from my pocket.


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