Page 108 of Jagged Edges

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“Mmmm nope,” he interrupts. “It’s yours. Actually, the whole building is. We figured you needed more than just a studio, but a gallery to show off all of your work. No more shitty commissions lover, it’s time to put your heart and soul out there for the whole damn world to see.”

I’m not sure when I started crying, but when I pull my hand to my mouth to hide the gasp that comes tumbling out, my lips and cheeks are wet with saline.

“You fixed something inside of me that was broken for so long, I wasn’t sure I could ever be whole,” Zeke starts. “I love you Cole. Every piece of you.”

He reaches out and laces his fingers with mine, pulling me back into him and Riot both. His lips land on mine soft. It’s short and sweet, but ignites my soul, giving me new life.

“You’re incredible, lover,” Riot begins. “You reached into my soul and loved the lost boy inside of me, and for that, I’ll give you everything. Always. I love you.”

Cupping my face with one hand, he presses his lips to mine, kissing me chastely, filling me with so much warmth and acceptance. All my life the only thing I ever wanted was to be loved. Loved without walls. Loved without conditions. Loved without having to be someone that I wasn’t.

Not only did I find love, but I found it in two of the most incredible souls I have ever met. Two men who not only love me just as I am, but who are standing before me, encouraging me to not only embrace my dreams but to chase them freely.

Riot's Epilogue

9 Months Later

I’m not sure what I thought life would be like when we took the Brotherhood legit. I mean I guess, for starters, there’s no longer a Brotherhood, which wasn’t something I had anticipated. Travis formed Havok Hills United LLC and moved all of the businesses under the umbrella.

I manage Afterlife full time now, and while I always had a hand in managing it before, I was so tied up with our dealings that most of the day in, day out tasks fell to Darren. So this whole having an actual 9-5 for the first time in my entire life? It’s foreign to me, but I don’t hate it. Especially because when I wrap up each shift, I go home to my apartment, and I’m not alone. The two men I love more than life itself are waiting for me, and it’s never a dull moment.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let out a frustrated groan as I go over the invoices for the month. Reconciling the deliveries with our orders, I plug in the numbers to the spreadsheet for tracking expenses, but something isn’t adding up.

This is the kind of shit I meant, invoices? Expense sheets? Who am I now?

A knock on the door catches my attention and the door pushes open as Spencer walks in.

“Hey, what are you doing here, sweetness?” I smile, pushing up to my feet and circling around the desk.

“Well, I was tapped to come in and babysit the club for a little bit,” she reaches out, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me in for a hug.

“Babysit?” I chuckle, tucking her head beneath my chin.

“Yeah, babysit, asshole,” she snorts, releasing her grip on me and smacking my chest as she pulls away. “That hot piece of man-meat and Cole are waiting outside in Zeke’s truck for you.”

“What?” I cock an eyebrow, “Is Cole not a hot piece of man-meat?”

She retches, making a face and I burst into laughter. “He’s like a brother, so no, not a hot piece of man-meat, but he is super sweet so there’s that.”

“Yeah, yeah. Okay, well… I mean I guess I can finish this shit up tomorrow. Darren is at the bar, he can help close up. You sure you wanna hang here?”

“Oh yeah, you have the surprise of a fucking lifetime ahead.”

“Wait, wait, you know something I don’t?”

“Just get out of here,” she laughs, sliding her arm behind my back and shoving me toward the door. Shaking my head, I push my way through the front of the club, and shove open the entrance doors.

Cole’s arm hangs out the passenger window, and Zeke leans forward, hovering the steering wheel, “Hop in, baby boy.”

Grinning from ear to ear, I yank the rear door open and hop into the backseat, only to find a blindfold laying in the center seat.

“What’s this?”

“For you,” Cole smirks over his shoulder. “Put it on.”

Lifting the blindfold to my face, I tie it around my eyes and settle back, buckling into the seat. Zeke drives for what feels like an hour as Gryffin mixes bump through the sound system. When we finally come to a stop, I stay still, waiting for someone to tell me what comes next.

I hear the click of the door as it opens, and feel Cole’s hand slip into mine. Climbing out of the truck, I trust him to guide me to wherever we go. I’m thrumming with excitement, and while I wish I could say my mind was reeling with the possibilities of what’s to come, but whatever they have planned they’ve kept sufficiently under wraps so I haven’t the slightest idea.

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