Page 61 of Wayward Souls

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“Aria, tell me what happened.”

“Nothing. I told you…” I trail.

“Aria Spencer, don’t you lie to me. I’m not going to yell and I’m not going to condone his outbursts, but Cole is right. Something’s been going on and it’s been going on for a long time now. We all keep quiet because we love you and we don’t want to alienate you. But look at you.” He motions to my face and his expression falls. “We are worried. How long are we supposed to pretend?”

“The makeup only goes so far Aria.” Cole’s voice hitches in his throat and I can hear the sadness and anger. He’s like a brother to me and I know he’s worried, but I have this handled. I really do.

I plaster a fake smile on my face, and step away from Rico.

“I’m fine, you guys worry for nothing.” Waving them away, I move to step around my family and head for the bar.

“Aria,” Rico says in a low tone, that sounds more like a warning. Like he’s about to spit out a fatherly, don’t take another step young lady, kind of sentiment.

I stop and spin around on one heel to face him, and just as I do, the door to the bar pushes open.

“Jesus Christ who is it now?!” I yell, and in steps the very bane of my existence. “Oh no. Fuck no. Did you guys plan a fucking intervention or something?!”

“Am I interrupting?” Travis raises an eyebrow and takes a step forward. His smirk is mocking me, and I want to slap the look off of his smug fucking face.

“Actually y-“

Cole interrupts, “No this is actually perfect timing. We were just discussing Aria’s injuries. I won’t pretend I understand whatever you two have going on, but maybe you can talk some fucking sense into her before she ends up in the morgue.”

Turning to face my friend I shoot daggers with my eyes, and I can feel Travis walking up behind me so fast that the air moves like a gust of wind. He grabs my shoulder and spins me around, “What injuries?”

I shake off his grip on my shoulder and try to turn around, but he plants his other hand on my other shoulder and spins me back around firmly.

“What the fuck happened to you?” he barks.

“Nothing,” I hiss. “Now leave.”

“You gonna lie to him too?” Cole snaps.

“Shut up!” I scream.

I feel attacked, and I feel like there’s no way out of this situation I’m in. I’m cornered. A feral creature surrounded, and I tried putting on a sweet smile and insisting that I’m fine, but now I’m ready to draw blood.

Why can’t they just leave well enough alone?

Rico clears his throat, “Honey we know something’s been going on for a long time now. Just talk to us, we can help you. Please.”

“Is someone going to fucking fill me in?” Travis snaps.

“There’s nothing to fill you in on! Go home Travis!” I yell as my resolve weakens.

Sliding his left hand around my right bicep, he squeezes and grips me up by my arm. “We need to talk,” he growls, as he stomps toward the back room, dragging me along with him.

Cole and Rico simply stand in the main bar area and watch as he drags me away.

Kicking the office door shut behind us, Travis wraps his large hands around my hips and sits me on the desk. His haunting brown eyes bore into my soul, demanding, angry, hungry.

“What the fuck happened?” he growls.

“Nothing,” my voice comes out barely a whisper.

“Don’t you fucking lie to me, red.”

“They’re over reacting, I’m fine,” I wave him off and try to slide off the desk, but he takes another step forward, placing his hands flat on the desk on both sides of me, caging me between his arms.
