Page 120 of Wayward Souls

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“Got it,” they reply in unison, and I hold my breath.

Pressing their backs to the walls of the stairwell, I watch closely as they each peer around their respective corners and fire shots into the corners of the room. My ears ring as numerous loud pops echo through the earpieces.

The men creep around the corner, making their way to the bodies. I can’t quite make out what’s happening but Arsenal speaks up just when my nerves begin to get the better of me.

“They’re dead. No signs of Maddox.”

I release my breath.

“I can’t see what’s inside, please, please be careful.”

Zeke’s voice filters through my ears on both sides, “Han, scale up to the 3rd floor now. The gunshots caught the attention of men on the 3rd floor, and the window is closing I’m going to lose visual soon. Travis, Riot, two are outside the door on the far left of the 2nd floor hall. That’s the room I don’t have visuals for. There’s two in the stairwell already heading for the 2nd floor too, I, I…”

The screens all go black and a neon green serpent flashes on the screens.

“Fuck!” Zeke shouts, pulling his hair. “We have lost visuals. I’m going to try to get back in, but I can’t fucking promise anything. Watch each other!”

“Travis,” I whisper.

“I’m here babygirl just breathe.”

Hearing his voice is enough to relax me, but I’m still trembling.

Gunshots ring through the air and I hear a low grunt followed by a loud thud.

“Shit, that grazed my fucking ribs,” Blaize growls.

“Holy shit you guys,” Arsenal chimes in, “We have a fucking problem.”

“What’s going on, what do you see?” Travis hisses.

“Girls man, five of them. Chained up in the basement,” Blaize whispers.

“Get them the fuck out of there. Take them to the van. We got the rest of the house,” Travis commands.

“Are you sure?” Arsenal asks.

“Positive,” he responds.

“I’m sliding into the 3rd floor now,” Hannah whispers, “You guys worry about the 2nd floor. I’m clearing the space and I’ll meet you there.

“Copy,” Riot answers.

“Fuck,” Arsenal cuts through the comms, “These girls need help. Zeke do we have any first aid or anything in the van?”

Zeke slides to the side and opens up a black metal box between the front seats, “Yeah man, limited though. Gauze, rubbing alcohol, some wraps, but that’s about it.”

“Shit we are gonna need more than that. Blaize is picking the locks now. Make space, we will be out with the girls shortly.”

Suddenly multiple gun shots ring out so loud it hurts my ear. Cringing I curl up, and I hear Travis’s voice, “Fuck, I- I’m hit. I…”

The communication goes fuzzy.

“H…. I ca…. W….” Riot goes in and out.

“Travis!” I scream, “Riot! Someone answer me!” Zeke stills and stares at me as the earpieces crackle in ours ears.

The crackling is fucking deafening.
