Page 110 of Wayward Souls

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Arsenal jumps in with a shit-eating grin on his face, “Yeah but our girl is a highly trained badass fucking bitch. She’ll probably fire off more kill-shots than all of us combined. She’s even gotten the jump on me before.”

“And she probably will again for calling her a bitch,” Blaize interjects.

“Fuck, I kinda hope she does. It’s so hot when she kicks my ass.”

“Anyway,” Blaize rolls his eyes, “Where is your girl gonna be while all this is going down?”

“She’s hanging back in the van with me,” Zeke chimes in, still tapping away at the laptop keys. “She’s going to be my second set of eyes on the surveillance and I’ll have her connected to the comms. We need to be fast, so the more eyes, the better.”

“And you’re going to protect her if someone infiltrates the van?” Blaize laughs.

Before Blaize can react, Zeke reaches into the back of his waistband with speed and precision, and whips a Glock from his pants, resting the muzzle on Blaize’s forehead without so much as tearing his eyes from the computer screen.

“Okay, okay. Pretty boy hacker has a badass side. I take it back,” Blaize raises his hands in surrender and Zeke grins, tucking the gun back into his pants.

“Shit Travis. This is more data than I can analyze right now,” Zeke mutters.

“What’s on it?”

“More like what’s not on it,” he snorts looking up at me. “We’ve got so much here. Names, dates, addresses. Members. Transactions. Dude, it’s insane. No wonder they want this shit back. I’m downloading it all to a separate drive just in case, but maybe we can use this as a bargaining chip if it comes down to it.”

“Smart man,” I muse. “Alright guys, we meet back here tomorrow night. We need to hit all 6 houses before the sun comes up, so everyone be here on time.”

The Knox brothers head their own separate way and as Zeke packs up his laptop, I step up to him clearing my throat. I had asked him for a favor on the side. Something I didn’t want anyone else to know about. The only way I’d be able to survive moving forward with this asinine fucking plan we have going.

“Hey man, that thing I shot you a text about.”

“Yeah, I got you man,” flipping his backpack over, he unzips the front pouch and reaches inside and pulls out the thin, yet sturdy loop of titanium. A sense of ease washes over me, and I feel settled.

“The chip?”

“Yep. Buried in the center of it,” sifting through his bag, he pulls out a small tool and hands it to me. “This is for locking and unlocking it. Discreet and no one is just going to be able to remove it, not without the right tools.”

Sighing, I feel the weight lift from my chest dissipating into the night air.

“Thank you Zeke.”

“Yeah of course,” he mutters pulling his backpack over his shoulders.

“Nah man, I really mean it. There’s no way I could move forward with this shit without this. You got a place with the Brotherhood for life man.”

Zeke grins and doesn’t say anything, but his look says it all. He’s a fucking lifer.

Chapter thirty-three


“That’s it, get his trachea right in the crook of your elbow. Put your left hand behind his head, and grasp your left bicep. Now squeeze pulling your elbows together.”

After struggling for a few seconds, Riot taps my leg and I let go.

“Yes girl!” Hannah claps excitedly. “That’s how it’s done. Come on now, one more try without me talking you through it.”

“Fuck that! You be her guinea pig then,” Riot chokes and sputters as he bends over, gripping both of his knees. “I think she crushed my fucking windpipe that time.”

“Oh come on man, just one more,” Hannah quips. “Unless you’re scared.”

“You know what - I am kinda fucking scared of you two right now,” he laughs.
