Page 72 of Falling For Who

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She smiles lovingly as soon as she sees me, and once I’m close enough, she fixes my bow tie. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you’re wearing a bow tie.”

I re-fix what she only made worse. “First day at a new school. I have to make a good impression.”

Marjorie lifts one eyebrow. “Who are you trying to impress?”

“Honestly? Just my girlfriend.”

“Your girlfriend goes here? Do I know her? Is she cute?”

I love this flirtatious banter between us and can already tell this is going to be the greatest school year yet. “I’m sure you do. It’s Marjorie Madden. She’s the most popular girl at the school. Super pretty, basketball star, a shoo-in for Homecoming Queen.”

“Oh! Her? She’s all right. You’re better though.” She pushes me against the locker and kisses me hard.

“Get a room,” Bug yells as he walks up to us.

“Trust me, they have,” Delilah says from next to him. “It’s right beside mine, and the walls are very thin.”

“Sorry, sis. What can I say? I can’t resist this one.” I pinch Marjorie and she jumps away from me.

Unfortunately, our little powwow is broken up by the sound of the warning bell. Marjorie gives me one more quick kiss. “I’ll see you in gym. If you run into any issues before that, just text me. Oh yeah! Almost forgot.” She reaches into her pocket and hands me a note. “A little something for extra good luck.”

“No way.” I open my backpack and pull out the first-day-of school note I wrote for her the night before. “One for you too, my lady.”

She holds it to her chest as if it’s her most prized possession. “I can’t wait to read it.”

“I can’t wait to be able to pass notes in person all year round.”

“Me either, babe. Me either.”

Yes, this is going to be the best school year ever.

State Basketball Playoffs


Sweat drips down my face as I stare up at the scoreboard. Thirty seconds left and we’re up by two. All we need to do is keep the other team from scoring and we’ll be state champions. That’s easier said than done though, especially since they have the ball now.

They pass the ball back and forth as they bring it down the court and search for an open shot. The girl I’m guarding does a quick turn that causes me to slide and lose my balance on the court. She gets the ball and sets up for the three-pointer that will win them the game. But, no, there’s no way I’m going to let that happen. A voice screaming from the stands reminds me that I can do this. There are a lot of voices right now, but only one that matters, and that’s my girlfriend.

Right as the girl goes to shoot, I throw my body in front of the ball and block the shot. I don’t know who gets it because I’m struggling to get off the ground. Once I stand, I see my team at the other end of the court with the ball and the clock winds down to zero. We did it. We actually did it.

My teammates storm over and tackle me as if I won the whole game for us just because I blocked that shot. That’s not true though. This was a joint effort. It took every single one of us, including the newest starter on the varsity squad, Genesis Brimstone.

Once I escape from the pile, I find Payton standing right on the edge of it. All of my focus is on her as I close the distance between us. She looks so hot in my Capital Creek Basketball T-shirt, I can hardly stand it. I pick her up and spin her around then place a big kiss on her lips. Even after almost a year together, each kiss still feels like the first one. Things just keep getting better with her.

Payton runs a hand down my arm then rests it over my stomach. “I told you that you’d be a State Champ, didn’t I?”

“You sure did. There’s going to be a party at my house tonight, but after that’s over, what do you say we have our own party?”

Payton’s eyes light up as she licks her lips. “Sounds perfect. I already have some ideas of how we can celebrate.”

I lose my breath just imagining what that means. There was a time I never thought anything could be better than winning the state championship in basketball, but I was wrong. Having Payton as my girlfriend is a million times better.

One year post-college

*Love Interest*

I laugh as Marjorie twirls me around at my mom and Mr. Howard’s wedding reception. The night is winding down and the party guests are dwindling, but I’m not the least bit tired. I couldn’t be happier. I want to soak in every single part of this night.

Marjorie must feel the same way because she asks me to go on a walk with her. We walk along the lake by the wedding venue and hold hands as we talk about everything we’ve been through together. Our final year of high school, four years at the same college, finally moving in together after graduation. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because it still doesn’t feel real.

We find a bench and sit down next to each other. My mind goes to my mom and Mr. Howard as I look up at the stars. “I still can’t believe it took my mom and Mr. Howard this long to get married.”

Marjorie shrugs. “I guess they just wanted to be sure.” She fiddles with something in the pocket of her fitted suit. “I’m sure. Well, I have been for a long time, but I’m really sure.”

“Sure of what?” She can’t possibly mean what I think she does.

“Sure that I want to marry you.” She pulls whatever it is she’s been fiddling with out of her pocket, and I see that it’s a ring box. Before I can fully comprehend what’s happening, she kneels down in front of me on one knee. “Payton Benner, I loved you before I even knew who you were, and I’m going to keep loving you every day for the rest of my life. Will you make me the happiest woman in the whole world? Will you be my wife?”

I was wrong out on the dance floor earlier. It turns out I could be happier. And now I get to keep that happiness for the rest of my life.

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