Page 50 of Playing With Fire

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“Uh…right,” I said, shifting my hands to my chest. “It hurts so bad. Can you find Raegan?”

Maggie huffed off in exasperation as she stomped away, and I finally had Lola all to myself. “What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, smiling at me coyly.

“You remember what happened before.”

“You mean when you were pregnant with Maggie’s baby?” she asked, her eyes twinkling.

“Exactly. How do you know that shit?”

“Because I was there.”

“Ryan was there too, but he doesn’t remember a goddamn thing!” I shouted.

“What is this place?” Sinner asked.

“This is…let’s call it an alternate reality.”

“How do I get out of it?” I asked hurriedly. The sooner I got out of this defective body and back to my virile self, the happier I would be.

“Think, Cap.”

“What? What does that even mean?”

She looked around urgently. “If you want to get out of this, you have to think!”

“Think about what? I don’t know what the fuck is going on!”

“Hurry, Cap. They’re coming. You need to get your ass moving!”

I looked around, trying to figure out what she was talking about, but the building looked the same.

I grabbed her arm as she tried to run away. She spun and put a gun in my hands. “I need you, Cap. Get to work.”

Then she ran off, leaving me alone. I turned to Hunter, Rocco, and Sinner, but none of them were there. The whole building was silent until a whizzing sound filled the air and an explosion rocked the building. I stumbled and fell to the floor, staring up in horror as the ceiling collapsed, falling right on top of me. I felt my bones being crushed and the air thickening around me. Then everything went silent. With little effort, I pushed the rubble off my body and stumbled out of the wreckage, pressing a hand to my stomach, noting the blood dripping from a wound.

As the dust settled, I looked around the building, searching for any sign of Lola or the guys, but no one was around. What was she talking about? Who was coming—or already here? And what was with the cryptic messages? Why wouldn’t she just tell me what was going on?

An eerie silence filled the air, and suddenly it all came rushing back to me.



“Cap! Get your ass moving!” Lola shouted from the doorway of the hut.

I stared around the small room, trying to get my bearings. I couldn’t figure out what the hell happened. I could hear the gunfire just outside the tent, and when I glanced down, I saw the gun in my hand, waiting for me to fire. I slowly sat up, my side killing me and my leg throbbing. What the hell had happened?

Knight stormed into the tent wearing all black, but a white collar around his neck, making him look like a minister or something. Brushing aside his coat, he pulled out a gun and reloaded.

“You good to go?” he shouted.

“Where?” I asked, completely confused. Was I in another dream? Fuck, I had to stop waking up in a different scenario. It took me too long to figure out what was going on.

“We have to haul ass out of here.”

“Where’s here?”
