Page 38 of Playing With Fire

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“I think you can handle the kids for five minutes.”

I slammed the door, feeling a gigantic urge to go slip a grenade in the toilet, just to scare the shit out of him. As I got back in the truck, Hunter beamed at me. “You got them?”

“Yeah, and you’re kind of an asshole.”

“I was out here!”

“Yeah, well I had to deal with the female/male version of you in there. God, are we really all that selfish?”

Sinner leaned forward resting his arms on the back of the seat. “Is it wrong that I’m not sure if I want pussy or dick right now?”



“Easy on the potholes,” I snapped at Hunter. “I’m carrying like twenty extra pounds here.”

“Oh, like you’re the only one that’s ever carried a baby before.”

“Eight,” I snapped. “Eight babies. When you carry eight babies in your belly, you can bitch to me all you want.”

“I can’t believe you’re still with that man,” Sinner said from the back, examining his nails. “If I were you, I would have dumped his ass after the first failed vasectomy. Tell me again why you didn’t go with him?”

“Like it would have mattered,” I sighed. “You went with him. Why didn’t you notice?”

“Hey, I did the whole bro thing,” Sinner said as his manly side reappeared. “I was there, holding your hand. It’s your fault.” He frowned. “Cap’s fault. Christ, I can’t keep track of who I am anymore.”

“I can’t believe you ladies fell for it,” Hunter laughed. “Like a man ever does what he says he will.”

“Hey, I got snipped,” Sinner snapped. “I have the follow through. The rest of you walked out of there completely intact.”

We pulled down Ryan’s driveway and butterflies erupted in my stomach. “I’m so nervous. Do you think he’s…changed also?”

“God, I hope so,” Hunter grumbled. He reached into his cami and manipulated his breasts. “How do women walk around with these things all day? My tits are hanging all over the place.”

“I have this great new bra,” Sinner said from the backseat. “It’s no underwire, but still holds the ladies up.” Sinner slapped a hand over his mouth, shaking his head. “Please make it stop.”

I flung open my door and gently stepped out. “Guys, we’re on the right track. Let’s just see what Ryan says. If he’s half as freaked out as us, he’ll have some sort of solution.”

“You know who would help right now?” Sinner asked, his eyes wide. “Cece.”

“Logan’s wife?” I asked.

“She’s always full of crazy ideas. I bet she would know exactly what to do.”

I rolled my eyes as I shut the door. “Thanks, but I’d rather take my advice from someone who isn’t a crazy person.”

Waddling up to Ryan’s front steps, the breeze blew up my nightie, sending a chill through my bones. “Remind me to never get Maggie any of these again. You know, this is probably the least comfortable thing to wear?”

“Tell me about it,” Hunter said, shifting in his shorts. “I keep thinking these are too short and my dick is hanging out. But then I remember I don’t have a dick anymore.”

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door, waiting with trepidation for Ryan to answer. What if Lola answered instead and she started laughing at me?

“Anyone else thinking we should have put more clothes on before we left?” Sinner asked.

The door swung open and Ryan stood there, staring at all of us. His eyes roamed our bodies, but I couldn’t tell if the odd look on his face was because we were all in some form of lingerie or because we were guys in women’s bodies.

“This was not what I expected when I opened the door,” he muttered.
