Page 12 of Playing With Fire

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“Well, first of all, there’s no one left to fight. You wiped them all out.”

“There’s always someone else to fight. And if you think for one second it’s all over, you’d be wrong. There are still so many unanswered questions.”

“Like what?” I asked incredulously. “You took out everyone involved!”

“There’s still someone pulling the strings—someone covering up what really happened and who was behind it.”

“It’s called covering their asses. No one wants to admit how many dirty politicians were involved. But they’re dead. I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong. Those men died, but their families still got paid by the government for their loyal service. What they deserve is to be humiliated.”

I rolled my eyes at his ravings. There was truth to all of it, but I wanted to put that part of our lives behind us. And it was damn hard to do that when Knight couldn’t let it go. He had to watch Kate, and I had to watch him.

“Instead of humiliating them, we just move on and live our lives happily ever after. That’s the best revenge.”

“Christ, you sound like a Hallmark card.”

“It’s the truth and you know it.”

“When did you get so sappy? What happened to the man who busted me out of a prison transport and fought by my side as I tore down the disgusting leaders who profited from other men’s deaths?”

“I’m not sappy. I’m just trying to move on with life and remember that not everyone is out to get me.”

“By that right, you shouldn’t carry a weapon anymore.”

“Well, let’s not go that far.”

He smirked, leaning forward. “Because deep down, you know there will always be some evil son-of-a-bitch out there who’s willing to do anything to get what he wants. And someone has to stop him. If it’s not us, who’s gonna do the job?”

“There are other men in this world—hell, in the same country as us—who would willingly stand up to those men. It doesn’t always have to be you.”

But deep down, I knew there was no one more determined to do the job than Knight. Except now, he was all about protecting his family instead of taking out ruthless madmen. Which meant he saw ghosts wherever he went. Any person who walked outside these gates was a potential threat to his family, and he would never stop protecting them.

“Let’s say I agree with you…What do you have in mind? You already have a tracker on her, cameras everywhere, and someone planted in her office. What more could you want?”

He was quiet for a moment before that grin returned to his face. “If I’m going to stay here and not spy on my wife every single day, things have to change.”

“Such as?”

“Do you remember certain elements I added to Rocco’s house as a test?”

I frowned as I tried to remember what he was talking about. Then my gaze snapped up to his. “You want to add killer robots to the office? Knight, it’s a medical clinic. You could set off an explosion.”

“Not the robot,” he waved me off.

“But that was the only—” Dread filled my belly as I remembered something else he used in Rocco’s house that hadn’t been used before. “Knight…that’s a bad idea.”

“Only if I end up having to use it.”

“Which you will. One man looks at her the wrong way and the machine guns come out!” I shouted.

“Don’t be ridiculous. There are other ways to get rid of someone besides firing a machine gun at him.”

“Yes, but you’ve never been known for subtle tactics.”

“It’s already done,” he said, using the remote to turn on the monitor. The view from the clinic came up, but the cameras weren’t pointed at the clinic or focused on the inside. No, these cameras came from the peaks of the roof in all directions. But there were more angles than just the area around the clinic being shown.

My eyes flicked from one screen to the next as I recognized the various angles—all of them from around town. “You set up machine guns on every road leading into town?”

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