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“We need to focus on finding Cowgirl,” I insisted, my voice firm despite the tremor of desire that coursed through me. “We can’t afford to lose sight of our objective.”

Riptide’s features softened, his tongue darting to lick his lips as he bit them. “I know,” he murmured, his voice low and husky. “But we also need rest. We’ll be no good to anyone if we’re too exhausted to think straight.”

Reluctantly, I yielded, agreeing to separate rooms for the night. Riptide looked put out but went into the office without me and came out with two keys. Placing mine in my hand, he squeezed, and his fingers inched up to trace the inside of my wrist. His chest rose and fell heavily as we locked eyes. I could tell what he wanted. As I settled into my room, the anticipation coiled tight in my belly. I braced myself for the inevitable knock on my door.

But when it came, it wasn’t Riptide standing on the other side.

It was Blade, his silhouette looming ominously in the doorway, a glint of steel flashing as he brandished a blade.

My heart hammered against my ribs as I stood face to face with the Slayer, his menacing presence filling the cramped motel door frame. His eyes gleamed with malice, and the glimmer of the metal in his hand propelled me to action as he walked forward. I backed up. He shut the door behind him. Instinctively, I reached for the knife concealed under my dress, my fingers wrapping around its familiar handle.

“What do you want, Blade?” I demanded, trying to keep calm despite the fear creeping into my every nerve.

A twisted smile stretched across Blade’s lips as he took a step closer, the knife steady in his hands. “I want to know what you and your Slayer are up to,” he snarled. “I heard you’ve been poking around, asking questions about Cowgirl.”

I swallowed hard, my mind racing for a plausible explanation. We couldn’t afford to reveal our true intentions, not to Blade, a suspect.

“We’re just trying to find out what happened to her,” I replied cautiously, keeping my gaze locked with his. “She vanished, and we’re concerned.”

Blade’s laughter echoed in the small room. “Save it, sweetheart. I know you’re lying,” he sneered, holding up the blade as a threat. “But don’t worry, I’ll get the truth out of you.”

Before I could react, Blade lunged forward, his weapon slicing through the air with deadly intent. Instinct kicked in, and I dodged his attack, driving my own knife forward in one swift motion. We circled each other like predators as we waited for the other to strike.

Suddenly, the door to my room flew open, and Riptide stormed in, his eyes blazing with fury. Without hesitation, he launched himself at Blade, knocking the knife out of his hand. The two men collided in a blur of fists and kicks. I watched in disbelief as they fought ferociously, the sound of their grunts and the clash of flesh reverberating off the walls. It was as if I was frozen as they battled in a chaotic frenzy.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity and a surge of adrenaline, I joined the fray, my own blade flashing as I struck out at Blade. Blade staggered backward, blood streaming from a gash on his midsection. With a final defiant glare, he turned and fled into the darkness, disappearing into the night.

I exchanged a weary glance with Riptide, our chests heaving from the exertion of battle.

“Should we go after him?” I asked.

Then I noticed he was in nothing but his boxer briefs and t-shirt. I had wondered why he didn’t just shoot Blade. “No, not tonight,” he said. The rush of the fight ebbing away, Riptide’s dark eyes met mine. “You good?” he asked, his voice rough with emotion.

The weight of the world on me, I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. “Do you think I killed him?” The real worry left my lips.

“If you did, no one knows but me,” Riptide said. “So, no one knows.”

Without another word, Riptide took my hand and led me back to his room. As we entered, the door clicked shut behind us, casting us into a cocoon of silence and solitude.

By the soft glow of the bedside lamp, Riptide took off his bloody shirt. I stood awkwardly in the center, unsure of what to do next, my heart pounding in my chest. Then I looked at my hands and rushed to the bathroom to wash the blood away.

Riptide appeared behind me, completely naked. His presence overwhelming, he reached out to gently brush a lock of hair from my face.

“You did good back there,” he murmured.

I swallowed hard, my pulse quickening at his proximity, his big cock staring at me. “Thanks,” I managed. “You, too.”

We were caught in a silent dance of desire and uncertainty. A shiver of excitement ran through me as he closed the gap, and I sensed the warmth of Riptide’s body against mine. In that moment, all pretenses fell away, leaving only the raw desire that simmered between us. His lips captured mine in a searing kiss that left me breathless.

When we kissed, it was like igniting a fire in a powder keg. The world’s noise, our rival clubs, the danger nipping at our heels, all melted away, leaving just the two of us. Riptide’s embrace was more than just a shelter. It was an acknowledgment of my strength, a silent declaration of our impossible bond.

Pulling away, he pointed out the blood on my arm. Then he reached out to help slip off my dress and led me to the shower. We both stepped inside, under the warm spray, and Riptide washed away the blood and all the cares I had before.

As he liked, he picked my body up like it was nothing and had me spread out, my legs clinging to his hips. His throbbing erection laid between us. Pressed against the shower wall, my slick body was his for the taking as his mouth massaged my neck and shoulders as I reached down to stroke his length.

“You sure about this?” His voice was a low rumble, filled with concern and a raw edge of emotion that made my heart skip. “Much more of this, and I won’t ever let you leave.”

Looking into his eyes, I found my resolve. “I’ve never been more certain of anything,” I replied, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging inside me. It was a revelation in a life filled with lies.
