Page 21 of Entwined

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Cole warned me that he was showing me a spot where blood would spray, but knowing it and experiencing the actuality are two different things.

Wet heat splashes my chest, jaw, and cheek, making me jerk in surprise. If I didn’t know better, I’d think someone came on my face. The comparison should’ve had me prepared for the second spray that covers the opposite side of my chest and gets my neck. It instantly drips toward my cleavage, leaving behind trails of death.

A growl snatches my attention. It’s a lust filled sound that has my thighs clamping together tightly, reminding me once again that I’m not wearing pants. Cole’s gaze is firmly fixed on me, his eyes tracing the progress of the blood on my chest. It’s how I catch the third pump of ruby red liquid hitting him across his face and soaking into his shirt. A shirt that I’d very much like to remove as quickly as possible.

Gripping my knife that’s nestled firmly in my palm, I reach out with my free hand and fist my psychopath’s shirt. The risk of cutting him doesn’t even cross my mind as I stretch the material toward me and slash at it with the blade. It damages the fabric enough to where I’m able to rip the rest of his shirt open, exposing his sculpted chest.

Before I’m able to act on any other impulsive thoughts, Cole’s hand whips out and wraps around my throat, hauling me into him. “I’m not sure if you understood me before, Raven, but you can’t have me until we watch her die together.” His tight grip on me forces my head to turn to her, and it doesn’t take much convincing for me to watch the stuttering breaths barely lifting her chest.

“In fact,” he rumbles. “I think we should make a new rule. Number fifteen: for every murder, you get four orgasms.”

My thighs clench together. Not that I need any incentives to kill, but he added one with the rule. “Why four?”

“Because you have four devoted men. But since I’m the only one here, I get the pleasure of giving them all to you.”

I. Fucking. Melt.

It might be my new favorite rule. One I won’t hesitate to collect on.

Biting my lip, I focus my gaze on the woman, willing her to hurry up and pass over into boyfriend stealing hell. Blood continues to drip from her many cuts, adding to the stain from before. At the same time, Cole’s free hand dips under my shirt and trails along my stomach. He teases the underside of my breast with his thumb, giving me the tiniest of hints of what I want.

Unsurprisingly, I lose patience rather quickly. Normally I enjoy watching my victim take their final breath, but today I don’t want to take the time to watch it happen, not when I have Cole dangling a carrot in front of me like he is.

I’m sure if he knew what I was about to do, he’d stop me, but I’m too quick. The knife is plunged into her side before the thought has barely crossed my mind. Warm blood rushes over my hand as I slide the blade free, accompanied by a wheezing hiss. Hmm… perhaps I should’ve twisted the knife.

“Is my poor girl desperate for my cock?” Cole asks, followed by his teeth nipping at my shoulder. I barely feel it through the fabric of my shirt, making me frown.

“I always want your cock. You should give it to me now. No more waiting,” I rasp. Somehow, I find myself breathless at the mere thought of his dick sliding in and out. The way his Jacob’s ladder touches all my sensitive nerves so divinely. Of the perfect way he pinches my clit to send me over the edge.

“Watch, naughty girl.” His fingers find my chin, directing my attention back to our kill. She takes a breath and releases it slowly. Nothing else seems to happen, not in any tangible way at least. It could be in my imagination, something I only see because I enjoy knowing when my victim dies, or maybe it really is something a chosen few can see.

In either case, it’s as if she becomes blurry for a split second, like I can visually see her soul leaving her body, lifting into the air to go wherever souls go when their vessel has expired.

“Did you see it?” Cole runs his fingertips along the sensitive part of my inner arm. It makes goosebumps appear in his wake, a tingling sensation working its way through my body.

“I did.” Arousal courses through me. Something that shouldn’t happen when watching someone die, yet here we are. The entire experience causes enough lust to take over my body that my skin feels like it could split open at any moment.

“A beautiful sight, isn’t it?” he asks. I nod my head, somehow transfixed on the body, even if nothing else is happening. “Almost as beautiful as you are.”

Cole brushes his nose lightly against my cheek before using it to nudge me into turning my head. When I do, he catches my lips in what has to be the softest kiss I’ve had from him to date. I’d never dare to say any actions from him are sweet, but this comes the closest. It’s as if he wants to tangle our souls together, and this gentleness is the only way he thinks he can come close.

I’m not entirely sure he doesn’t accomplish it either. I’ve never felt so fucking entwined with Cole. In this moment, he’s my entire world, and a realization comes crashing over me, stealing the breath from my lungs, compressing my chest with a tightness I’m unfamiliar with.

I wouldn’t want to exist in this universe without Cole. Not in this lifetime or the next.

Somehow I’ve let him into my soul, giving him a part of me I never realized was something I needed to protect. And now I find myself more than satisfied with the result. He’s mine, and I’m his. But it’s not only him who’s stolen a part of me, it’s my other men, too.

I can’t believe I’m thinking this, but according to all the definitions of love that I’ve studied, that’s exactly how I feel about them. Fucking hell. Kill me now. My dead little heart has found a reason to beat. Who would have thought that was ever possible?

Our kiss deepens, and this time I’m the one sliding my hand around his neck, holding the back of it to make sure he can’t go anywhere. “I need to have you,” I rasp against his lips, my need overwhelming me, along with the realization that I love him.

My heart opens, crushing me under the onslaught of emotions I never thought I was capable of experiencing. It’s like some part of me was locked away, and it took four men to find the keys to open it again.

Cole presses his hand against my chest, pushing me away from him. His gaze travels over my body, brushing against my skin like a sensual caress. At the same time, I study him in return. There’s a bloody trail where my hand touched him, highlighting every spot I’ve been. It lights a fire in me, a burning need to paint him red.

“Goddamn you’re stunning,” he growls, breaking me from my thoughts. “I love when you’re splattered with your kills. Makes my cock hard as fuck.”

I’ve never understood the way they seem to become feral when I have blood on me until now. It’s a surprising on switch that I’m not at all disappointed to discover.
