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Lili picked it up and unfolded it. In the past, she’d had to use a Kindred translator device which Rachel had gotten for her when she had first started corresponding with f’loon. But now the writing was perfectly understandable to her, thanks again to the Translation Bacteria.

Esteemed Lilibet, (the letter began)

We were beyond gratified at the kind and generous article you wrote about our humble collection. We also wish to inform you that we put on a display of the holo art you and your mates posed for and it is all that everyone who is anyone in the galactic art scene is talking about. Collectors and art lovers from all over the galaxy have been coming to view it. We have received some very substantial offers for the art, but we have refused them all. We wish to keep your holo art in our personal collection always, and we have also included a holo-coin with a copy of it for your own personal viewing delight.

“What art are they talking about?” Rachel, who had been reading over her shoulder, demanded. “You never told me that you posed for f’loon.”

“Never mind, it’s not important,” Lili said quickly, blushing. She hadn’t told her best friend what had happened between herself and Dark and Light on F’rith Three, mainly because it just seemed too private to share. And she didn’t really want to talk about it now.

Also, it was really weird to think that alien art critics from all over the galaxy were watching the holo of her having sex with Dark and Light. It was kind of like finding out your nudes had been leaked on a galactic scale!

It’s a damn good thing nobody on the faculty can get to F’rith Three, she thought. I’d lose my job and any hope of ever getting tenure!

But there was more white script on the thick black parchment to read. Turning the letter so Rachel couldn’t see it, she continued.

We would also like to inform you that we have crafted a harmonizer for you and your mates, using the secretions left on our posing platforms as a basis for the genetic components. It is delicate and can only be used once, but we believe the effects will last a lifetime if applied correctly. Simply have all parties who wish to mate hold the harmonizer in their hands for a minimum of thirty standard seconds and then touch each other. The harmonizer will enable genetic harmony and mating may then be achieved.

We hope the harmonizer will be of help to you and your mates and wish you well in your future endeavors. If you should ever wish to pose for us again, you would be most welcome.

Warmly, f’loon

Lili put the letter down on the table and went back to look at the box again. The glowing sea-shell thing must be the harmonizer and the shiny round disk about the size of a quarter must be the holo-coin f’loon had talked about.

“So—what is it?” Rachel demanded impatiently. Without waiting for an answer, she reached into the box and pulled out the coin. “I know what this is at least!”

“Rachel, don’t—” Lili started.

But her friend had already flicked the tiny switch on one edge of the holo-coin. Suddenly a holo as big as Lili’s head began to play—it was Dark tugging and teasing her nipples while Light licked her pussy.

“That’s right,” Dark was growling. “Be a good girl and spread your pussy for us, baby.”

“Oh my God!” Rachel exclaimed.

“Shit! Give me that!” Lili reached for the coin. She fumbled with it for a minute, since she was still wearing the damn gloves, but finally managed to flip it off.

“Lili, I’m really sorry!” Rachel’s cheeks were red and her eyes were wide. “I had no idea! Why didn’t you tell me that your, uh, relationship with those two had gone that far?”

“Because you don’t like Dark!” Lili exclaimed. “And because…” She sighed. “Because after we came back, they pretty much ghosted me.”

“They what?” Rachel put a hand on her hip indignantly. “After all that?” She waved at the coin, which Lili still held in one hand.

“Yeah.” Lili sighed again. “I thought Kindred were different, you know? But they never got back in touch with me after we, uh, hooked up. And now…well, I don’t think they ever will.”

“That’s so unlike Kindred, though!” Rachel frowned. “They’re all about Bonding and monogamy. I mean, I could see two human guys leaving you high and dry after getting some nookie, but Kindred just aren’t like that.”

“Maybe it’s because they’re Dark Kindred and they can turn their emotions off, so it was easy to forget me. I don’t know…” Lili shook her head sadly. “I miss them, Rache—I can’t tell you how much. I just can’t stop thinking about them. But they’re clearly not thinking about me.” She looked in the box at the glowing harmonizer again. “Guess this is going to go to waste.”

“What is that thing anyway? You never told me,” Rachel reminded her.

“Oh, it’s called a ‘harmonizer,’” Lili said.

She explained briefly about Dark and Light being unable to Join to Bond a woman to them due to their genetic differences and being an “Imperfect Pair.”

“So this thing would let the three of you be together? Would help them Join so they could Bond with you?” Rachel asked, looking down at the harmonizer, but being careful not to touch it.

“I guess so.” Lili sighed. “Not like it does us any good now.”

“Well of course it’s not going to do any good if you don’t at least see how your guys feel about it!” Rachel exclaimed.
