Page 75 of Light Betrays Us

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Her voice was the softest hum. “Hmm?”

What had I wanted to say? To do? I knew there was something.

She slid lower, kissing each rib as she passed, dipping her tongue in my navel, licking a path down my low belly and kissing the annoying pat of fat there. She nipped it, growling softly in the back of her throat, and lowered even further as she wrapped her hands around the backs of my thighs. She pulled them open as far as they could go and nestled her face between them.

She whispered, her warm breath rushing against my most private place, and it made me shiver. “Forget what you wanted to say?”

“Yeah,” I breathed as she blew on my pussy, making the wet wetter, making me gush for her.

She licked once, lapping my cum onto her tongue.

I looked down between my legs as she drew it into her mouth and swallowed. Her eyes rolled shut.

“Oh God. Do that again.”

She repeated the motion, this time dragging the tip of her tongue to my clit and flicking it quickly, pumping inside me with three fingers.

My whole body arched, my legs shook, and it made her moan.

This wasn’t going how I’d planned. “M-my bag. In my bag.”

I heard my keys jingle when she slipped a hand in there, and then the buzz of the clitoral stimulator I’d brought to use on her filled the room, and I opened my eyes as she pressed it to my clit.

I gasped.

The smile on her face was the sexiest I’d ever seen. “Devo, you naughty, naughty woman.”



“I brought it to use on you,” she said and yelped when I pressed the handy “women’s little helper” harder against her clit.

It was a handheld stimulator, its sole purpose to deliver tiny bursts of air right where a woman needed it most, but every time Devo squirmed and undulated to the pulsing, her moans growing louder and huskier, I felt the vibrations deep inside my body.

It was a buzzing. A yearning that set me on fire for her.

“You like toys?” I asked, completely unabashed, surprising myself.

I’d never talked about sex toys or masturbation with anyone, which was stupid. It wasn’t like everyone on the planet and their grandma didn’t do it. But I wanted to share this with her, wanted her to know this part of me. A woman’s personal satisfaction was not an unimportant part of her life.

Also, I wanted her to know what I liked. Logically, I knew I shouldn’t feel shame about it, but I felt more vulnerable than I ever had.

Apparently, she did too. She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip, and I watched how they indented the soft skin. “Sometimes.”

I lifted off her, her risqué little toy quickly forgotten, and she followed me with her eyes as I rolled off the bed and lunged toward my dresser. Pulling open the top drawer, I dug through it.

When I turned back, her mouth popped open as soon as she saw the harness I was stepping into. I dragged the leather straps slowly up my thighs, and she almost choked on the words, “Abey, that’s a…”

Finally, I had rendered Devo speechless. If you’d asked me yesterday, I wouldn’t have thought it possible.

“A strap-on. I’ve always wanted to use it. Is it okay?” Nerves and uncertainty were carving out a hole in my stomach, but I so desperately wanted her to say yes.

She nodded quickly, pressing her legs together and moaning softly in what I hoped was anticipation. The sound was so quiet, I didn’t think I was supposed to hear it.

“Just lookin’ at you in that thing is makin’ me wet. The way it hugs your hips…” Her legs fell open, and she let them drop to the mattress.

“What?” I looked down at myself, then at her. Did I look ridiculous? But if I imagined the black leather harness strapped around her body, I practically came right then and there, standing in the middle of my bedroom.
