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Porter smirks, and the sight makes heat bloom in my stomach. "Perfect. Get warmed up, and when I get back, it's time for your lesson."

I blush. I hadn't really planned on finishing today, but after what happened with Jerry, yeah, I need to learn.

"I will," I tell him.

"Good." Porter leans in, pressing a kiss to my forehead before heading out the door.

I wait until he's gone and make my way back out into the gym proper. The tension from earlier has died down, and I feel a lot safer now.

Wrapping up my hands with fresh wraps, I settle in front of the bag. This time, I'm focused, and I let myself remember everything Porter taught me. My mind wanders.

God, he was so intimidating when he fought, but at the same time, I felt completely safe. It's like instinctually I knew he was protecting me and that he would never hurt me. It took seconds for him to dispatch Jerry, but the little I did see made me want to see him box in person for real. His movements were so smooth and strong that it made everything feminine inside me perk up in interest.

This time when I'm interrupted, it's Porter, looking a lot more relaxed. He grabs the bag to stop it moving. "You're distracted. What's on your mind?"

I pause. "It's silly..."

"Nothing that you have to say is silly, Bailey. Tell me."

"I want to see you box," I blurt out, and Porter's eyebrows rise. "You were amazing earlier. You were so fast and in control, and it was… It was amazing, Porter. I want to see you actually box."

His eyelids lower, and a smile comes over his face slowly. He looks almost smug. "Oh, yeah? You want to see me fight, huh? Well, I think I can make that happen." Porter turns his body towards the front of the gym. "Keith! Glove up."

"Aye aye, boss," Keith calls back, jumping up from the desk and heading over to the boxing area.

"Go sit over there." Porter nods to the seats by the ring. "And enjoy the show."

Then, he's striding away, and I feel giddy. I didn't expect it to happen this fast, but I'm not complaining. I take the seat with the best view of the center ring and can't take my eyes off Porter. He climbs into the ring, and he and Keith exchange words. Porter points towards me, and Keith laughs, giving me a thumbs up.

"Cute." A middle-aged woman next to me sighs. Surprised, I look around and see that quite a few people have come over to watch the sparring match.

I glance over at her. She's wearing tight workout clothes, and her hair is done in a messy bun, a sheen of sweat on her forehead. Her gaze is locked on Keith. "I've tried to talk to him so many times. He always says he's too busy to date."

"Mmhmm," I agree noncommittally.

"They look good, don't they?" She sighs.

"Yep," I murmur, hoping she'll get the hint. I don't want to talk about her crush on the other man. I want to concentrate.

Keith and Porter circle each other, warming up. Keith is older and shorter, but from what Porter has told me, he was one of the best fighters in the country in his prime. They bounce on their feet, feinting at each other. Then, Keith goes in for the first punch.

It's a dance. They circle and move and swing their gloved fists. It's a flurry of movement, and they're both grinning as they go.

"Porter is great too. His gym is the best in the area. All the employees love him. Even the regulars are happy."

"Mhmm." I nod, trying to pay attention to her and the action at the same time.

Keith lands a hit against Porter's cheek, and I wince. But Porter shakes his head, a grin stretching over his face, and goes back in. I lean forward, entranced by all of it—the way these big, strong men move so easily, how quickly they can predict each other's movements. It's like a form of art, the way they move, and I can't take my eyes off either of them.

Finally, Porter gets the upper hand, knocking Keith back and pinning him against the ropes. With his opponent cornered, Porter delivers the final hit. It's controlled, but the sound of his glove against Keith's skin is loud, and the older man sinks.

"Damn." Keith grins. "I guess I'm getting too old for this."

Porter helps his employee up. "You're still a hell of a fighter, Keith. I learned a lot from you."

Keith's smile widens. "Yeah, I bet. Alright, kid. Time for me to go and find some Tylenol.”

Keith leaves the ring, and Porter turns towards me, his gaze heated. "Come on down, Bailey."

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