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"Ready to go?" he asks.

"Yeah," I tell him and follow him out to his truck.

The drive to my house is quick, and the whole time Porter keeps glancing at me. I can feel him watching me, and it's making butterflies swarm in my stomach. When we pull up to Renae’s place and park, Porter shuts the truck off.

"Bailey, about tonight…" he begins, and I tense. Is he going to ask what the hell I was thinking, letting him touch me like that? Is he going to ask why I didn't tell him sooner that I'm a virgin?

I brace myself, and Porter continues, oblivious to my inner turmoil. "I want you to know that it wasn't planned. What happened between us. It was spontaneous, but I don’t regret a damn second of it. And that’s not the end of what’s going to happen between us. I hope you’re ready.”

His words are totally unexpected. I'm reeling, and Porter watches as my expression shifts. "Okay?" he asks. "Do you understand?"


His brow furrows. "Was that a yes, you understood, or a yes, you're ready?"

My face turns bright red, and I blurt out, "I'm ready. And…and I liked it. I don't regret what happened. You’re sure you don’t either?”

Porter's lips curl. "Baby, I'm not regretting a damn thing."

* * *

It's not all that late when Porter drops me off, but I still had high hopes that Renae would be asleep already. Or at least in her room and not here to see me coming home all disheveled and well-pleased.

But of course, she's on the couch, nursing a glass of wine and staring at the TV. When she hears me come in, she calls out, "Bailey! Where were you? You said you'd be at the gym 45 minutes max."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I take a deep breath and try to steady myself. Renae can read me like a book, and she'll know if I'm trying to hide something.

"Hey, Ren," I say, putting on a cheerful voice.

"Bailey?" Renae sits up, frowning. Her eyes are on me, brows furrowed. "Bailey, what did you do?"

"What are you talking about? Nothing."

Renae crosses her arms over her chest and glares.

"I'm serious," I insist. "Nothing happened!"

"You're lying to me. You're hiding something. Is it Ian?" Her voice goes small and quiet, and guilt hits me like a freight train.

"It's not Ian," I tell her. "You're right, I am hiding something, but it's not your business."

Renae's mouth drops. "Not my business? You're my friend and roommate."

I cringe. "Okay, fine. Something happened.”

"Oh, my God." Renae stands up, wine forgotten. "What happened, Bailey?"

"Calm down!" I cry out. "Jesus, Ren. Sit down, please."

Renae narrows her eyes, but she listens. She sits down, and I flop on the couch beside her.

"I'm not hiding anything bad. Well, sort of. But not really."

"Bailey, speak clearly right now or so help me God..." Renae trails off.

I sigh. "You remember Porter Brooks?"
