Page 63 of Hostile Territory

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Mace didn’t want to hurt her so he eased away enough to lay on his back, and hauled her up and over him, her curved, strong thighs gripping either side of his narrow hips once more. Sierra was panting, her eyes blown, caught up in the heat and burning pleasure of being brought to the verge of orgasm. Mace knew the signs. He cupped her face, trying to make eye contact with her, but she was so far gone, so ready and hot. “Listen to me,” he growled, “you take as much or as little of me as you want? Do you hear me, Sierra?” His fingers tightened around her. “I DON’T want to hurt you. Do you understand?” and he dug into her druzy, heated eyes.

With a bare nod, unable to speak, Sierra lifted away from his hands. She lowered herself across his erection, closing her eyes, a hum of satisfaction vibrating within her as she stroked her wet core slowly up and down along the length of his thick, hard member.

Mace damn near lost it. He gripped her hips, his teeth clenched as the honey fluids of her body bathed him. She was so close, her head tipped back, her lips parted, her entire body quivering. He wanted to give her pleasure first, knowing it was going to slow her down because she was tight, and he was large.

The moment he began to move against her, sliding her slowly back and forth across his hardness, she started to come loose in his hands. Mace felt her contract, felt a rush of hot fluids bathing him, heard her cry out, her back arched, gripping his forearms, lost in the explosive orgasm that was carrying her away on its river of intense pleasure. He couldn’t tear his gaze from her. She was arched, her breasts thrust forward, those nipples taut, begging. A pink flush began at her belly and flowed upward, telling him she was in the throes of the long, hungry orgasm that had stolen her mind. Now, she was a pure, primal animal and he grunted, prolonging the orgasm for her, thrusting upward, bringing more of her weight down upon him, not allowing her orgasm to end. He milked it until, finally, he felt her begin to weaken.

Mace released her hips. Sierra collapsed and laid against his sweaty body, her brow nestling against his jaw, her arms curved weakly around his neck, sobbing for breath, quivering, and feeling so damned alive. His heart flooding with such a fierce love for this courageous woman, Mace closed his eyes, simply absorbing her warmth against him and the sweat they shared between them. Her breasts felt delicious against him and he ran his fingers from her shoulders all the way down her damp back to her hips, cupping her cheeks, holding her tight against him, savoring her in every possible way.

Tangling his fingers through her black hair, he eased the strands away from her face. He pulled back just enough to see the flush across her features, hear her torn, ragged breath, feel its moistness against his face, her lips pulled into such a satisfied smile that it made Mace feel like an actual man for the first time in what felt like forever. Nothing ever felt as good to him as fulfilling the woman at his side. Sierra deserved this. She deserved to be happy, that look of pleasure reflected in her eyes, those thick, black lashes sweeping against her flushed cheeks.

He loved her.

For the space of a single heartbeat, Mace felt his way through that massive realization. He’d known it in his head, and a little in his heart. But now, sharing Sierra in the most intimate of ways, her courage combined with what he was willing to give her, shattered him in ways he’d never been before. Mace lay there with her in his arms, their bodies pressed hotly against one another, the slickness of perspiration between them, each breath shared between them a delicious, ongoing dessert.

As Sierra slowly opened her eyes, Mace smiled into them. Those cypress-colored eyes of hers were filled with sunlight-gold flecks dancing in their depths, telling him just how good she felt. How much pleasure he’d given her. He felt her lift her hand, weakly resting it against his jaw.

“Wow,” she uttered. “Wow….”

He chuckled and took her hand, kissing each fingertip in succession. “I think you had a couple years of stored-up orgasms in you,” he teased. “I’ve never seen a woman’s last as long as yours did.”

Wrinkling her nose, she laughed. “I really needed that. It felt so good, Mace.” Her voice grew husky. “I wanted to please you first.”

Shrugging a little, he gave her an amused look. “You can when you feel like it. Right now, I like you right where you’re at. You need to rest and revive. Then, you can please me all you want, Sweetheart.”

Love infused Sierra. If she’d ever doubted Mace was the right man for her, that feeling was now gone. He’d placed his own needs aside for hers. Few men ever did that. It was all about honoring one’s partner, truly treating them as an equal. But now, it was her turn to care for and love him back. She had felt his warm hardness against her core, felt it so thick and strong. There was nothing anywhere on Mace’s body or within his mind that she could term weak.

As she moved slowly, sitting up across his girth once again, sinuously sliding herself along his length, he gripped her hips hard, teeth clenched. He was so close himself. Intuitively, Sierra knew it had been a long time for him, too. Not as long as for her, but the way he reacted as she slowly stroked him with her thick fluids and core, he would have to hope her body would accommodate him. And if it didn’t completely, all was not lost. And Mace would understand. Still, Sierra knew she could give this valiant, harden warrior the pleasure which he so richly deserved.

As she lifted her hips, pressing her breasts into his awaiting palms, she smiled down at him. Sierra saw the animal in him, and it excited her. Even now, without ever having drawn him inside her, he was there. A passion flowed through her as she placed her core against the tip of his erection. Instantly, Mace tensed, his fingers digging into her hips, his breath a sudden, sharp intake. His eyes shut tightly and as she began to slowly introduce her body to him, she felt her muscles stretching, burning. Easing out a little, her body already preparing for another orgasm, she felt the liquid warmth coat her and she eased down again.

Mace growled, trying to control his reaction. Sierra knew he wanted so badly to lift his hips and thrust deeply into her. But her body, while trying to accommodate him, was much slower to react than his. Taking his mouth as he brushed her nipples, heat bolted down from her breasts to her core. Just that act of triggering the pleasure in her nipples made her surge down upon him. His mouth was strong against hers, bold, his tongue moving and teasing hers, emulating the rhythm of copulation. The burning, the momentary stretching and pain, dissolved as her body increased its fluids from his stimulation. She rocked slowly, loving the feel of his warm, steel strength within her, heightening her sensitivity, stroking her sweet spot until she moaned.

And then, when she had taken half of him into her, he lifted her, capturing one of her nipples. And instantly, she cried out softly, the riveting fire skittering downward. He lifted his hips slowly and she tore her mouth from his, eyes shut tightly, lost in the power and heat suddenly building deep within her. As he lavished her nipples, her whole lower body began to bubble like a cauldron ready to boil over. His hips slowly thrusting upward, stretching her, going deeper within her, stroking the swollen knot at her entrance, Sierra keened, rising, her hands flat against his tense torso as she fully seated him into her. The low burnings dissolved and ran into the hottest fire she’d ever felt within her. It built up, making her mindless. Sierra loved the animal side of herself, a very necessary and beautiful part of every human being. But with Mace, who had been primal to begin with, she’d barely be able to scratch the surface of the animal passion flooding out from deep inside him. As she felt him begin a slow, easy rhythm in and out of her, every nerve of Sierra’s body began to ripple with pleasure with each thrust.

And when he settled his large hands around her hips, holding her in place, increasing his pace, she rocked against him, lost in the swirling, inferno building within her. “I’m so close,” she cried out, breathless, wanting him to come with her.

Mace grunted, pumped deep into her, angling her slightly, finding, trapping that knot of nerves higher up in her channel, making every push even more pleasurable for her. Her world suddenly started dismantling, his size and girth triggering reactions within her that had never been stimulated before. The volcanic contraction of her orgasm made her cry out his name, her fingers taut against his chest, frozen with such incredible, raw pleasure and heat rifling through her in ever-widening circles that all she could do was gasp and cry out with every pulse into her. And then, she felt him surge, stiffen and grunt, his hands taut against her hips. Sierra knew he was climaxing, and she fought her own euphoria to prolong his release by sliding quickly and hearing his groaning sound like an animal snarling. Her spirit soared. Her heart broke open with such a powerful love for Mace that Sierra was swept away on their tide of light, explosions, and waves of intense, violent, shared animal pleasure.

Sierra had no idea where time had gone, or how she was once more collapsed against Mace’s powerful body. His fingers were lightly stroking her damp shoulders and following her spine downward, as if to sooth her after such an untamed and wonderful ride. Her body ached and felt sore in its ultra-sensitive places. Mace must have somehow known because he murmured her name and gently eased out of her. She moaned and kept her eyes closed, continuing to feel the delicious rivulets of heat still expanding deep within her afterward. The next thing she knew, he had settled her on his left side, rolled toward her and then tucked her in against him, holding her tightly, as if he never wanted to let her go again.

The euphoria was like a leaf twirling lazily on a soft breeze within Sierra. She absorbed Mace’s arm around her shoulders, his other hand lightly soothing her, every touch like a feather teasing her flesh that skittered with tiny shocks of even more pleasure. Nuzzling beneath his jaw, she placed a kiss against the strong column of his neck, inhaling his male scent, dragging it deeply into her lungs. As she slowly smoothed her palm against his damp chest hair, she smiled weakly. “I don’t want this to ever end, Mace… it’s so… wonderful… beautiful…you’rebeautiful.” And he was. He was perfect for her in every way. She felt him chuckle, feeling more than hearing it through her palm resting against his chest.

“I’m with you, Sweetheart.” He caressed her hair, nudging thick strands across her shoulder. “You are incredible. Your body… you rock in my world, Woman.”

His voice was low and gravely. It vibrated through Sierra. She hungrily absorbed this moment with Mace. But in the back of her mind, however unwillingly they came, Sierra heard the familiar voices telling her that moments like this would not be forever. Her heart quelled and she lay there, her body pressed fully along his, trying to find a way to get him to realize that what they shared was rare. That it was worth perusing. Worth cultivating. If only… If only he could see it. What was holding Mace a prisoner?

He never talked, never shared, and, more than anything, Sierra was being driven to the point where she had to get past Mace’s walls and find out what it was that entrapped and imprisoned him, that didn’t allow him to embrace her fully and forever.

“You’re like a wild, female Jaguar,” he rasped against her ear, feeling her make a happy sound in her throat. Threading his fingers through her clean, sleek hair, he marveled at the light caught in its strands, reflected by beams of the deepening orange color from the western window.

Lifting her head enough to catch his hooded, stormy-gray gaze, she whispered, “You’re my jaguar mate, then.”

Mace nodded, feeling his throat tighten as she put her head down once more, closing her eyes, content to lay limply against him.Mate.Yes, she was. So much more than that. He had found the other missing part of himself. He’d never met a woman quite like Sierra. She was bold, bone-honest, and unafraid to go where mere mortals feared to tread. Mace had to remind himself she was military trained. A vaunted sniper. There was no room in Sierra’s world for fear to rule. And she was just as fearless in letting him know how much she wanted him. He liked her assertiveness. It was a complete turn on for him. And she was his match, no question. He’d never experienced as deep and intense a climax as he’d had with her. She milked him dry, turned him inside out, and he felt like the most loved person in the universe right now.

His brow fell. Unconsciously, his arm tightened a little more around her shoulders, holding her closer, if that was even possible. Sierra loved him with all her womanly fierceness. He’d felt it with each touch of skin on skin, through her mouth, and within her guileless, loving heart. Mace had never felt loved like this before. His body still vibrated, still swam in the pool of pleasure that continued to simmer within him. She’d fully brought out his primal side, but she was equally primal, too. Neither of them was close to being civilized, he realized with a newfound joy. There was a time and place to be an animal. And sex was definitely one of those arenas. But sex with Sierra had turned into more than primal mating. It had evolved and entwined his heart, making him feel things he’d never felt before. And it all added up to an experience with her that he couldn’t even begin to put words to. All he could do was touch her, kiss her, drown in her beautiful, radiant gaze, and be swallowed whole by that winsome smile of hers.

Mace lay there, realizing the depth of his love for Sierra. How damned deep it really ran. And getting deeper by the day. He didn’t know when it had happened. Only that it had. He placed one arm over his eyes, allowing himself to dream. It wasn’t something he allowed himself to do very often. To dream was to want changes. And he’d given his word. And when a man gave his word, he didn’t break it.
