Page 46 of Unforgettable

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“My mother trained us early on to help out,” he assured her, rising. “You can’t come from a farm family and not start working shortly after you’ve learned how to walk.” Picking up the plates, he said, “I’ll meet you in the bedroom when you’re done.”

Daria didn’t waste their precious time to wash her hair. She fixed it up on top of her head to keep it dry, scrubbing the rest of herself clean, unable to calm the clamoring heat that rested within her. Twenty minutes later, she wrapped herself in a pink towel and left the bathroom. The rest of the apartment was in the dark except for a bare light shining in the hall opposite the opened bedroom door. Her heart sped up. Daria wanted this so badly, wanted to love Nik, to give back to him in so many large and small ways. Already, as she padded barefoot on the cool tiles, she felt anticipation singing through her veins. Rounding the doorframe, she saw him lying naked on the bed, waiting for her. Nik reminded her of a male jaguar at languid rest, but she knew better. There was an air of dangerous arousal exuding off of him and she smiled a little, seeing he was powerfully erect once more. For her. For them. He held out his hand in her direction.

The room was dark except for the night light in the hall. Daria opened the towel and hung it over a nearby chair. Slipping across the cool sheet, she tangled her fingers with his, allowing him to draw her in beside him. He maneuvered her onto her back so she lay parallel to him. Drowning in his intense, turbulent blue gaze, she shivered beneath it as he brought her hand to his lips, slowly kissing each of her fingers, then opening her palm. The moment his tongue brushed that sensitive area, she sighed and closed her eyes, her lips parting.

There was no need for words. Nik communicated wonderfully without them as he licked her palm, sending tingles of delight all across her hand. He lay propped above her, and brought her arm up behind where her head rested on the pillow, the long fingers of his other hand capturing her wrist. There was something primal about his imprisoning of her, leaving her bare under his burning inspection. Her breasts grew firm, pleading for his touch, her nipples tightening with eager expectancy. As he slid his long, muscular leg across hers, gently opening her thighs, she shuddered with need. His calloused hand slipped around her breast, her skin on fire from the contact. A moan came from within her as he leaned over, his lips teasing the point, sipping upon it, lingering, driving her into a frenzy. As she lifted her hips in response, his hand left her breast, gliding downward, caressing her abdomen, fingers closing across her mound of soft curls, lingering once more, allowing Daria to feel the heat of his connection with her.

She felt her whole lower body turn wet and crampy as he slowly explored her, fingers sliding through her damp folds. A cry jammed into her throat and she thrust her hips toward the pleasure he was giving her. She heard a rumble of satisfaction in his chest as his mouth trailed a series of slow, soft kisses from her breast upward to find her mouth.

“You are a fiery woman,moya kotya,” he breathed against her lips, caressing them, opening her more to him. “Wild, untamed, and I like how sleek and wet you are for me…”

Mind shorting out, she cried out as his fingers sought and found her dripping entrance, teasing that swollen knot just inside her. His mouth plundered her lips and she felt the full force of his maleness, a hot brand claiming her, and wanting her. As his tongue played with hers, emulating a slow, seductive rhythm, she arched against his fingers, a cry in her throat as she felt her entire lower body explode inwardly. The intensity of the orgasm caught her by total surprise, roaring through her in an undulating rhythm. She fell into a vat of molten, scalding fire as she felt the gush of fluids and the near-violent set of contractions within her tunnel as he milked her, not allowing her any escape from his skills, lavishing that knot, stroking her, urging her body to continue flowing powerfully beneath his command.

As he lifted his mouth from hers, Daria gasped, her eyes flying open, clinging to his slitted blue gaze as he continued to give her excruciating pleasure. She’d never had such a long, hard orgasm in her life and yet, beneath Nik’s talented fingers, her body was receptive and giving him everything he was asking from her. And how her heart flew open! She panted, her heart racing, her body quivering from the unexpected explosiveness of her release. And yet, nothing… nothing, had ever felt so right, so good, to Daria. She saw a very pleased male smile shadow Nik’s well shaped lips, saw the glitter of satisfaction in his narrowed eyes as he watched her come for him, gifting him in the most intimate of ways.

Her body suddenly collapsed and he eased his fingers from her depths, gliding his hands upward, fingers spreading out across her damp belly as they went. She closed her eyes, sinking into that wonderful radiant light that consumed and embraced her as the orgasm continued to ripple like molten waves throughout her. Nik allowed her time to absorb it all, kissing her hairline, nibbling on her earlobe, and then moving his tongue to the nape of her neck, nipping lightly, teasing her, reminding her she had so much more left to give him. She felt as if her whole body were suddenly his to own and play with. She felt his erection pressing insistently against her hip, felt him controlling himself for her sake as she languished in the aftermath of the ground-zero blast, a satisfied smile pulling at her lips.

And, just as she came down off that delicious precipice, he moved his body over hers, his knee opening her thighs wider to him, settling between them, his hands smoothing her flanks, skating upward, enclosing her breasts, teasing her nipples and sending her to another level of pleasure. Daria arched into his hands, felt his erection pressing against her entrance and she made a low sound of need, inviting him into her. This time… this time was going to be so good for both of them. He rolled on a condom. Nik took his time building her up with him, stroking slowly near that knot, engaging it once more, teasing it, and then he leaned forward, pushing deeper, and the heat flared to life once more within Daria.

She brought her hands to his hips, sliding her legs around his, capturing him so she could rise and drink him fully into her welcoming body. Nik growled and the sound reverberated through her. He gripped her hair, holding her in place, kissing her hungrily, allowing her to know the depths of his need for her. She smiled beneath his searching mouth, lifting, creating rhythm, letting him know how close she was to coming once more. She felt her walls contracting, tight and wet around his girth and length as he plunged as far as he could into her. The scalding sensation, the building of her next orgasm tripled, and in moments, as he thrust quickly and deeply into her, her fingers drug into his bunched, damp shoulders as it swept through her. It wasn’t as explosive as the last had been, but the utter pleasure it left in its wake tore her mind from its moorings, hurling her, held deep within Nik’s arms, out into a bright, bursting universe filled with her wild cries of satiation.

She was lost, tumbling, and she heard Nik call her name, felt him stiffen, felt him paralyzed with his own climax so deep within her. The world was composed of light, fire, and floating and she smiled as he suddenly collapsed on top of her, holding her tightly to him, their sweaty bodies entangled. More than anything for Daria, this was the most beautiful moment for her as she slid her arms around Nik’s trembling shoulders, holding him, loving him with all of her body, heart and soul.

Nik slept withDaria snuggled deep in his arms, her body warm and soft against him. He awoke at some point during the night, thin moonlight peeking around the blinds, so as to ease away just enough to study her sleeping face on the pillow beside him. Her hair was mussed, loose, and it framed her face. Her lashes lay long and thick against her cheeks. Following the clean line of her nose, his gaze lingered on those lush lips of hers that his own had worshipped against earlier. The lips that had sent him into a cauldron of pleasurable oblivion. In sleep, she looked like an innocent angel and a fierce protectiveness for her rose again within him. He knew Daria was fully capable of taking care of herself, far more than most women, but that didn’t matter any longer to Nik. She was his woman. That made him want to safeguard her and always shield her from any menace. They had threat all around them. Worse, it wasn’t going to go away anytime soon.

Nik reached out, carefully extending his index finger to slip a few errant strands of hair away from her face. Her cheeks were flushed and the corners of her soft mouth were relaxed. Being able to please this woman made his chest expand with euphoria. Her cries had been so sweet and filled with satisfaction. His own body hummed at the low frequency of the pleasure still continuing to thrum through him. To be able to love Daria, to slide into her welcoming body, was more than he’d even dreamed could ever happen. Nik studied her shadowed face in the silence of the world around them. The bedstand clock read 0300. He had three more hours with her. Despite wanting to slowly awaken her with an onslaught of kisses and touches, Nik hesitated. He wasn’t a small man and Daria hadn’t had sex in two years. She had to be feeling tenderness physically because they hadn’t exactly gone at it slowly. More like two animals in mating heat. Nik felt his body stir with the want of her, just thinking about it, his mind replaying those first two times they’d been with one another.

His fingers smoothed more of her mussed hair, lightly, not wanting to disturb her sleep. He saw the shallow curve of her breasts rise and fall, indicating deep slumber. Exhaustion of another type flowed through him as he absorbed her relaxed features. The light revealed the curve of her strong shoulders, and he could see the firmness of her biceps and the tight muscling throughout her forearms. She was in top athletic condition, even from a military standpoint. Even after four months of downtime due to the knife wounds in her left thigh, she was athletically trim. He wanted to do more to help Daria get past her trauma and knew that he could, but time was against them right now. Leaning over, Nik allowed his lips to linger lightly against her smooth, warm, velvet cheek for just a moment, and flared his nostrils to inhale her spicy, feminine scent.

“Sleep the sleep of angels, beloved,” he whispered to her.

Nik eased himself back down, sliding his arm beneath her neck, his other hand coming to rest across her blanketed hip. Daria stirred momentarily, but then sank back into that sweet abyss of healing sleep. He laid there, eyes closed, hungrily imprinting her breath, her warmth, and the way her body melted against his, into his mind. Nik had no idea where he and the rest of the team were heading out to at dawn, nor how long they would be out on patrol from village to village. With Pavlovich in the mix, all bets were off. When would he see Daria again? The only relief he felt was that she would now be safe in Aguas Calientes with the Russians gone and no longer a threat to her.

His heart desperately wanted to leap ahead to his future with Daria. To unanswered dreams, but Nik wouldn’t allow it to. And yet, as he slowly moved his hand across Daria’s hip, his heart cried out for some personal needs. Was it selfish to dream of her in his life after this op? Had five years of loneliness made him illogical, wanting and idealistic? His fingers lingered on the curve of her hip and then moved lightly down across her outer thigh. So much stood in the way of him reaching out to bring her into his arms and into his life. There was no assurance that would ever even happen.

And what did Daria dream of? Nik felt pain zigzag through his chest and he frowned. His roaming hand paused once more on her hip.Time.They had to have time. Time together. Time to explore and talk with one another. Nik had never rushed into any relationship. He’d seen so many young women and men fall in love and yet, within a few months, they were walking away from one another, after finding the other’s many faults. His relationships, while few, had each been meaningful and fulfilling. He’d taken his time, he’d learned, listened and communicated with each of the women in his life because he cared deeply for them.

Death had taken his first love, and then him leaving to go into Spetsnaz had scared the second woman in his life away. She’d tearfully admitted that she feared so much for his life, that she would lose him to death, that she couldn’t handle the stress of it. Nik had understood and he’d sadly walked away, his heart torn in half. That had been seven years ago. It seemed a lifetime away to him.

The corners of his mouth flexed inward. Only Daria’s soft, shallow breathing soothed the serrated emotions that clamored brightly across the surface of his mind. How badly he wanted the freedom to pursue her. Is this all that they would ever be able to share? Nik took nothing for granted. Death was always a bullet’s whisper away. Even if Korsak didn’t shoot him in the head, he knew Pavlovich and his guards could do so, too. Nothing was ever certain for him. How could he promise Daria anything? He couldn’t, and a bitterness flowed through his heart. But, as soon as that feeling left, his heart filled throbbingly with hope of a future with her. What was her favorite ice cream? What made her sigh? Laugh? What brought her to tears? What creative skills did she possess? What kind of house did she live in? Were certain colors her favorite? He had thousands of questions for her and very few answers up to this point.

Sleep stole in upon Nik and he surrendered to it, the woman he loved more than his own life in his arms, where she should be.

Daria watched Nikget dressed, shave and prepare to leave. It was 0530, the gray dawn chasing away the night through the kitchen window. She’d gotten up at 0500 and made him coffee, along with several thick chicken sandwiches and tucked them into Zip Lock baggies so he would have some decent food to eat out on the trail today. He was internalized, his brows knitted, eyes dark, mouth a slash, as if he were holding back a lot of things he wanted to say to her. She sat at the kitchen table, watching him open his ruck across from her, rapidly assessing all the bottles of medication and anchoring the more vital of them down securely into small canvas pockets. She kept her hands around her warm mug of coffee.

“I’m going to miss you,” she whispered, meeting his hooded stare.

“I’m going to miss you more, Kitten.” He pressed the Velcro closed, making sure it was tightly sealed so that medications could not fall out along the trail. “You look beautiful when you’re just waking up.”

Her lips pulled faintly upward. Daria knew he was gearing up mentally and emotionally to be with that hard, predatory team of his. Now, she understood, more than ever, the psychological cost to him of remaining with that savage group. “I’ll be looking for those notes,” she offered. His gaze lightened momentarily. Nik wore jungle-green cammos, Russian-made for Spetsnaz. His weapons were stowed in a compartment in his ruck. The rifles these men carried, all AK-47’s, were in a weapons bag at the hotel, hidden from Perupolicia’seyes. Her heart yearned for him to stay, but that wasn’t reality.

“I’ll have to be extra careful now,” he muttered, his hands sliding to a halt on his huge ruck, studying her. “Now, I have three more sets of eyes along with us and they are all very observant.”

“I know.” Daria frowned. “I wish there was an easier way we could stay in contact, Nik. It’s going to be hell not knowing where you are, not knowing when you might come back here to Aguas Calientes.”

He gave her an understanding look, moving his fingers along one seam of his ruck. “Welcome to my world. That’s why it’s been so hard trying to coordinate with Kilmer and his men.”

“Understood.” She roused herself, wanting time to slow down. Pushing out of her chair, she walked over to him. Nik turned toward her. His arms came around her waist and he gazed down at her. Daria leaned upward, moving her mouth against his, feeling him start to melt, beginning to relax, some of the tension within him dissolving. She hungered to make love a fourth time with him before he left. Her body was still glowing from their third session at 0400 this morning.

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