Page 12 of Unforgettable

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“Now,” she whispered in an unsteady voice, “don’teverthink from here on out that I don’t enjoy you touching or kissing me when we’re out in public, Nik. I think you know that I like it. I WANTED to kiss you. I LIKE your touch. This isn’t role playing. It’s for real…”


Nik could barelythink, the taste of Daria on his lips, her scent arousing him until he wanted to continue that kiss to a blazing conclusion. The sincerity of her words pulverized his pounding heart. He kept a hand on her shoulder because she appeared dazed. So was he. He’d never expected this! Not ever! Five years not even touching a woman, and then to have this special one come boldly up to him, press her warm, willing mouth to his? His mind and body exploded with shock. For that moment, Nik had been stunned by her lips moving lightly across his. Her scent filled his nostrils, the warmth and curves of her breasts lightly pressing against his chest, her arms firm and warm around the nape of his neck, all conspired to momentarily place him in a state of paralysis. It were as if a fairytale had turned upside-down and the princess had awoken the sleeping frog-prince from a hundred years of deep, long sleep!

He saw a hint of chagrin come into her wide, glistening gold eyes, although arousal clearly pooled in them, along with what he dared hope was pleasure from the kiss he had returned. Nik knew how to please a woman. The surging starvation tunneling through him right now made him want to take her into his arms, and carry her into the bedroom. Shame paralleled those animal thoughts as he searched her innocent features, the stubborn set of her chin, her words echoing through him, through his raw heart that was suddenly so needy and hungry. His mind shouldn’t go there. He was nothing like Korsak and his men. Nothing like those predators.

He treasured the act of love with a willing woman who wanted him as much as he wanted her. The drought of no sex was like a jagged edge sawing through his rock-like control. Daria’s mouth lifted a little, unsureness, even a touch of shyness, coming into her expression. He sensed her worrying that she’d done something wrong. She’d done somethingsoright. Her kiss, her boldness, had reminded him that he was human and had needs like any man.

“That was,” he managed in a rasp, “…unexpected…”

Daria gave him a confused look. “I know… I didn’t… I mean, I didn’t mean to kiss you. Well, that’s not true. I did,” and her hands fluttered nervously as she ducked out from beneath his grasp. Wrapping her arms around herself, Daria stood there, uncertain, with heat stinging her cheeks. “I’m not making much sense.”

Wryly, he murmured, “No, you aren’t…” There was uncertainty in her eyes. Her cheeks were a bright red and he managed a slight smile. “But it’s okay. I think I understand why you did it.”

“You do?”

“Alex told you about all the stuff we’ve seen and been through,” he said heavily, avoiding her caring gaze. “I just didn’t want to enter into this with you and have you feel as if I was taking advantage of you, was all.” He met her eyes, and saw them growing even more sympathetic. “Was I right? You kissed me to show me that you didn’t mind if I kissed you when the situation demanded it?” And Nik wished suddenly, that Daria hadwantedto kiss him because she was attracted to him as much as he was to her. That was his secret wish. He knew he had no right to expect that from her at all. They were strangers thrown together on an op. And yes, Daria had gone into the op knowing the part she must play. Still, in Nik’s mind, it was a highly personal, intimate kind of demand being thrust upon her, this fake relationship. And it bothered him, maybe more than it should.

“You were right,” Daria admitted quietly, allowing her arms to drop to her sides. She swept her thick hair across her shoulder. “I’m not apologizing, Nik. You needed to know I’m okay with all of this.”

“Oh, I got your message loud and clear.”

“You’re not going to hurt me. I know that. But don’t err on the side of caution, either because if your team is watching us, it has to look genuine between us. We have to sell to them that we’re falling in love. That’s all.”

His heart twinged and he couldn’t stop the hurt from flowing through him. Daria’s kiss had been convincing. Too convincing to his sex-starved body, to his heart that yearned for the softness of a woman in his life once more. “You’re right, we do. They will never see it as love, however. Only sex.”

She looked incredible with her long, straight black hair laying across her shoulder like a dark cape, emphasizing the clean lines of her face and those golden eyes that he swore still had arousal in them. He had kissed her for real. It wasn’t an act on his part at all. Once he’d gotten past the shock, the heat of her mouth and the press of her sweet, innocent curves against him had smashed through his rigid control, and he’d kissed her reverently, with all of his heart, through every movement of his mouth. A kiss was far more than just lips meeting. His heart was involved. His soul. And Nik had allowed himself, for that brief, exquisite moment, to kiss Daria with all the need and beauty he had to share with her. Only… she was such a good actress.

If he believed her explanation, it had all been just an act on her part to convince him that she was okay with him being intimate with her up to a point. As he pushed his fingers through his hair, his heart, which had never led him wrong, whispered to him that she’d meant every last bit of that kiss. That itwasn’ta game. Or a cover. Or a convincing lie to fool Korsak’s team. Daria had kissed him because she was drawn powerfully to him. His instincts, the same ones that had kept him alive so many times when he should have died, knew he was correct. His head warred with his heart. To believe Daria’s offered explanation or not?

He didn’t want to, dammit. His body was on fire. His erection throbbed. Not having had a woman for five years, after living like a monk all that time, like the man in prison that he was, her kiss and the innocent movement of her body against his, was like the key that had unlocked a dungeon door, flung it wide open, and released all his imprisoned needs. All those urges, the ones that he ignored up until just now, came roaring to the surface. What a hot mess!

“We need to go,” he said, his voice thick with hunger, desperately trying to once again wrestle all those needs back down into a dark, hidden corner of himself.

“Yes… of course…,” and Daria turned, picking up her light, wool camel-colored coat. It turned cool and damp in the evening around here.

Nik moved over to her, taking the coat and helping her slip it on. He watched her arrange her black hair and pink scarf with such feminine movements that he felt like a slavering, half-insane wolf wanting his mate. And honestly? That is how he felt toward Daria. She was his mate. She just didn’t know it.Yet.Nik found that he had to willfully force his fingers to release Daria’s coat to be able to break away from her and walk over to the chair across which his raincoat hung, and pull it on. His hands weren’t steady. Hell,hewasn’t steady, his body for a start, not to mention his head spinning with heat, arousal and desire for her. And, judging from the look in Daria’s wide, flawless eyes, she was just as dazed by their coming together as he was. She wasn’t a good liar. He still saw arousal in her eyes. That couldn’t be faked.

He opened the door for her, and the cool dampness hit them. Daria started down the exterior stairs, hands on the wet metal railings and Nik followed. Below, there was the noise of rasping, throaty flutes, drums pounding a rhythmic beat, and tourists in front of the many brightly-lit stores dancing in the street. Nik swiftly scanned the area. He knew Brudin was down there somewhere in the shadows. Watching.

Daria pulled her pink scarf tighter around her neck and then turned and waited for him at the bottom of the stairs, her hands in the pockets of her coat. The street lights were glaring and bright on both sides of the wide, asphalt concourse. Colorful flags hung everywhere outside shops to attract customers.

Nik halted just behind and to the left of her, his hand naturally caressing the small of her back. He could smell the spices and the meat cooking, the air filled with their odors. Dinner started between eight to elevenp.m. in South America. He leaned over, his mouth almost brushing the hair covering her ear. “I’m sure Brudin has been ordered to be Korsak’s eyes and ears.”

Daria turned, their faces inches apart. “Did you run into them earlier?” She saw his eyes flicker with anger and then it was gone.

“We’re all at that hostel outside of town. When I came back after escorting you to your apartment, Brudin jumped me about you.” Nik didn’t want to go into all the lurid details of the man’s cruel remarks nor mention his small, mean brown eyes dancing with deviltry as the usual teasing commenced.

“They hassled you.”

He placed his hand on her shoulder, smoothing her coat’s golden wool, feeling the strength of her beneath its fabric. “It’s their nature. But,” and he became grim, “Korsak took instant interest. Brudin always does his dirty work for him. You have a photo of him?”


He could smell her scent and it was driving him crazy, “If you spot him? Pretend not to see him. Just tell me? I’ll probably see him, anyway. I know their tactics.”

She smiled a little and leaned in against his tall body. “Then, let’s make themreallythink we’re falling in love with one another.”
