Page 14 of Bond & Claim

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I hesitate for a moment, torn between my instincts to follow Roarke’s command and my reservations about divulging such a significant secret. But ultimately, my loyalty to Anya prevails, and I respond firmly, “It’s not my business to explain it if you don’t already know, Roarke.”

“That’s irrelevant,” Lucas yells over us both. “Anya has passed out. What do we do with her?”

“We need to get her air,” Wyatt replies, but Roarke overshadows his voice.

“Who the fuck is Ryan? I need to know now.”

My patience wears thin as the bickering and indecision regarding Anya’s condition escalates. It’s clear that the tension within our team is reaching its breaking point.

Unable to contain my frustration any longer, I let out a low growl, a sound that demands attention. “Enough,” I interject firmly, my voice cutting through the cacophony of voices. “We’re all acting like idiots. Anya is a capable woman, and she deserves to know the truth. She’s seen you now, Roarke, she knows about wolves. All this silly secrecy is for nothing.”

My words hang in the air, and for a moment, the cave falls into a heavy silence. The weight of the situation presses on us, and the reality of our circumstances becomes undeniable. It’s time to confront the truth, to reveal the secrets that have been festering beneath the surface, threatening to tear our team apart.

Finally, Lucas breaks the silence with a frank statement, “Our lives depend on a mating round with her. Maybe we should just tell her. Perhaps that’s why we’ve all been getting so hurt, because we don’t have the emotional protection that comes from a mating round.”

Roarke rolls his eyes, so I jump in. “I dare anyone to say they don’t have feelings for Anya.” I glance around at everyone. “No one? Right, so what’s the issue?”

Wyatt, his expression serious, nods in agreement. “He’s right. We can’t deny the bond that’s forming. We all feel it, whether we admit it or not.”

We all look to Roarke, waiting for his answer. It takes a while, but finally Roarke agrees to what we already know. “Yeah okay, you might be right. Maybe we should stop fighting this. It doesn’t seem to be getting us anywhere.” He looks at us all in turn. “Go busy yourselves. I will tell Anya when she comes back around.”



As my consciousness gradually returns, I find myself in a state of disorientation, the world appearing blurry and fragmented. Shapes and colors slowly coalesce into clarity, revealing Roarke’s looming presence as I blink away the remnants of unconsciousness.

He stands over me, his expression a complex mix of concern, determination, and frustration. His presence fills the space around me, making it clear that he has something important to share. Panic flares within me as I wonder what I might have missed while unconscious.

“Anya,” he begins, his voice gentle yet laden with gravity. “Are you okay?”

I push myself into a sitting position, my head still spinning from the sudden rush of information and the disorienting aftermath of fainting. Roarke’s words hang heavy in the air, and I can sense there’s much more to this situation than meets the eye.

“What happened? What’s going on?” I inquire, my voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and anxiety. I cast a quick glance around, noting the expectant expressions on the faces of the others in our makeshift team. It’s clear that they’ve been privy to information that I’ve been kept in the dark about.

Roarke takes a deep breath as if bracing himself for what comes next. “Anya, there’s no easy way to say this, but you need to know the truth.”

As I wait for Roarke to continue, my gaze drifts to his face, and memories of our past together flood my mind. The handsome man before me, my first love, still carries the rugged allure that had drawn me to him all those years ago. Yet, now there’s an added layer of complexity to our connection, one that goes beyond the boundaries of the past.

I can’t help but recall the startling transformation he underwent, shifting into a wolf before my eyes. It was a sight both mesmerizing and unsettling, a stark reminder of the surreal reality we now found ourselves in. The memories of our passionate encounters and tender moments are intertwined with the image of the powerful beast he can become.

The words ‘you need to know the truth’ hang heavily in the air, and I brace myself for whatever revelation Roarke is about to share. The forest, the Rift, the monsters, and now the enigmatic mission—all these elements have woven a tapestry of mystery that has entangled me in a world far removed from the life I once knew.

I nod. “Okay, tell me everything.”

Roarke begins to explain, his voice steady as he guides me into the world of wolves and shifters. As he speaks, I listen intently, trying to absorb the newfound knowledge that feels as though it’s been kept hidden from me for far too long.

“You see, Anya,” Roarke starts, his gaze never wavering from mine. “We’re not just regular humans. We’re part of a special group, a pack of shifters. We have the ability to transform into wolves.”

The revelation sends a shiver down my spine, and I can’t help but stare at Roarke, searching his eyes for any hint that this might be some elaborate prank or hallucination. But his expression remains earnest and sincere.

He continues, “Our pack, like others, is bound by a deep connection. We share not only our human lives but also our wolf forms. It’s a powerful bond, one that transcends ordinary human relationships.”

My mind races to comprehend the enormity of what he’s saying. Wolves and shifters, the very creatures I’d dismissed as mere myths and legends, were now a part of my reality. I think back to the encounters I’d read about on that strange website, the tales of malevolent entities lurking within The Rift. Could they have been referring to these shifters?

Roarke’s voice brings me back to the present. “Anya, I know this is a lot to take in, but we’re in a critical situation. The Rift has opened, and whatever is inside is a threat not just to us but to the world. We need to close it, and we need your help to do that.”

I nod slowly, trying to wrap my head around the magnitude of the mission that has brought us together. “So, what exactly do you need from me?” I ask, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and curiosity. “Why am I here?”

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