Page 14 of Unplanned

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“We’ll have church when we get back to the clubhouse from work. If you think I need to close the garage early, I will. You tell me what needs to be done,” he says, pacing the short space of his bay with a truck taking up the majority of the space.

“Okay. We’ll close at two and be there just after. Make sure everyone else knows to be there by a little after two,” Venom says before hanging up his phone and turning to me. “Go let Autumn know we’re closin’ at two. I don’t want her here on her own after we leave. Goose finally finished gatherin’ information on her mother and that bastard she’s supposed to marry. He says we should meet sooner rather than later.”

“On it,” I tell him, leaving the shop and heading for the office.

Walking in, I find Autumn cleaning the shelves holding the stock we have for sale for customers when they drop a vehicle off or come in to pick one up. She’s bent over with her fine ass on display in the tight jeans covering her body. The shirt she’s wearing is stretched tight across her back with the angle of her body and leaves a gap in the front. It’s honestly the same way I saw her when she leaned in her car the day Brick brought her to the garage after towing her car here.

“Ghost,” she gasps, pulling me out of my head and all the wicked things I want to do to her. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry. Venom wanted me to come in and let you know we’re closin’ up at two today. We’ve got a meetin’ at the clubhouse and he doesn’t want you to stay here when we leave for customers to pick up their vehicles or anythin’. We’ll all be leavin’ at two. If you call anyone for a pickup, make sure they know the change in hours for today,” I tell her, watching as she walks closer to me with the rag she’s using to clean in her hand.

“Okay. What about the tow calls?” she asks, not sure what to do about them since we’re closing early.

“Just do what you normally do when we close for the day. If anything comes in, they can go to Hawkeye’s phone and he’ll make sure it’s taken care of,” I tell her since that’s what usually happens when we leave for the day.

“Okay. Am I still calling in an order for lunch?”

“Yeah. Have it here a half hour earlier than normal. That way we can still have a decent amount of time to work after lunch. Thanks, Autumn,” I tell her before heading back to the shop and getting back to work on the bike.

This project is going to take some time to do. I’ve got to completely break it down to nothing, clean all the parts to see what actually needs to be replaced, then I have to figure out how I’m going to take care of the destroyed paint job. This bike is important to the customer because it was his grandfather’s and the only thing he has left of his. He wants it restored but better than before if that makes sense. I’ve got a few pictures he left with me to see what the bike originally looked like and I have a plan in mind to make it even better than before. Hopefully he likes it and I can pull off what I want to do without a problem.

I’ll do most of the work alone until it’s time to paint it. While I can do the base layer of paint, the designs I want added will be done by Riggs. He’s a fucking magician when it comes to custom paint jobs. He makes it subtle but amazing and you never know what you’re going to find when you look at a vehicle he gets his hands on. I’ve actually got a custom tank on one of my bikes that he painted. The color matches my bike completely but there’s designs within the paint you can barely see if you’re not looking. When the sun hits it just right, all the designs stand out and draw your eye directly to the tank and nowhere else. He’s a fucking genius and I’m glad he wanted to work here instead of somewhere else.

When a Prospect gets his full patch, he can choose where he wants to work out of all of our businesses. While they’re Prospecting, each guy spends time at all of our businesses. They get their hands dirty and see if it’s truly where they want to be once they earn their patch. It makes it easier on all of us because they’ll already know what’s expected of them and what they want to do without having to think about it too long after they get their patch. Thankfully Riggs knew he didn’t want to work anywhere else but here so he could start getting his certification before he got patched in. Otherwise he wouldn’t be working with us just yet.

I get back to work on the bike in my bay knowing it’s up to the other guys to handle the easier jobs that come in on a regular basis. Even with me not helping them, they’re still busting ass and getting the vehicles out one after the other. None of the guys are wasting time. If we need to order a part for one of them, they move it out of the bay and bring in the next one on the list until we get the part in. That’s another thing Autumn has made better and easier. The second we tell her about something we need for a project we’re currently working on, she gets it ordered and for the most part it’s in that same day. Makes things much easier for everyone around here.

I’m sitting in our meeting room waiting for the last few guys to show up from work. Goose let everyone know to leave early so they could be here for the meeting after getting off the phone with Venom earlier today. Right now we’re just waiting on Brick and Hawkeye. Brick had to finish up a private lesson at the gym and Hawkeye was bringing in a tow he had to pick up really quick. It wouldn’t have been a big deal except it’s from an accident and the cops called it in. We don’t tend to make them wait if we don’t have to. So, Venom told him to grab the vehicle before coming here for church.

No one’s talking as Goose sets up his laptop and makes sure it’s showing on the screen where we can all see what’s going on and what he’s got to show us. Venom is sitting in his chair at the head of the table and looking down at his hands which are folded in his lap. Usually if we have to wait, there’s murmured conversation going on. I’m not sure what’s going on today that no one’s speaking. I’m not about to start a conversation though.

Finally, the door opens up and Brick and Hawkeye walk in together. They’re not speaking as each man takes his seat at the table and Venom sits up and grabs the gavel sitting just in front of him. He wastes no time slamming it against the table and calling church to order.

“As you all know, Goose has been diggin’ into Autumn’s mother and a man she was bein’ forced to marry. It’s taken him all this time to dig deep enough to find the dirt they’ve worked so hard to keep buried. These two are almost as bad as Horton and the shit we just cleaned up with that mess. Goose, tell us what you’ve found so far,” Venom says, opening up our meeting.

“Janice Connors is Autumn’s mother. She grew up poor and started havin’ ambitions of marryin’ for money when she was in high school. This bitch hasn’t worked a day in her life and drains every fuckin’ man of every cent they have to their name in a short amount of time. She not only takes it directly from their accounts, but she makes them buy her ridiculously expensive shit she doesn’t need, take her out to eat daily, vacations monthly, and anythin’ else she can think of. One man paid off her fuckin’ house because she gave him a sob story about losin’ the home her daughter was raised in and not wantin’ her to lose all the memories she made there with her dad. Guy was a fuckin’ sucker and paid off a large amount without second guessin’ his decision.

“On top of usin’ men for their money, she’s tried to sell Autumn multiple times over the last two or three years. She has someone set up an auction for the highest bidder to win her hand in marriage. The only reason it hasn’t gone through up to this point is because they don’t want to sign the ridiculous contract statin’ that they make Autumn sign over her trust funds to the mother and not receive a dime of the money themselves. Most of the men don’t want to sign that shit when they find out the amount of money Autumn actually has to her name. Yes, it’s written in the contract. I’m honestly surprised somethin’ hasn’t happened to Autumn before now with strangers knowin’ how much she’s worth,” Goose says as he clicks a few buttons on his laptop and the picture he put up of Autumn’s mother disappears while a document takes its place. “Take a few minutes to read this shit. It makes me fuckin’ sick.”

We all turn to read the contract Janice has had drawn up for the winner of Autumn. The more I read, the more I want to be sick. Bile churns in my gut and if I don’t get myself under control, I’m gonna fucking lose it all over the table in front of me. Janice is a fucking cuntasorous rex and doesn’t deserve to have Autumn in her life. The contract has a portion in it about putting Autumn in her place by any means necessary. There’s even suggestions of torture, caging her in a dark basement, locking her in a closet with no food or water, humiliating her in front of the household staff, and any other means necessary. It makes me wonder how much of this has already been done to the woman who won’t give out personal details about herself.

Looking toward Brick, I find him about to lose the contents of his stomach as well. His entire face has gone pale and I know he’s making the same realization as me about why she won’t open up about herself. She doesn’t want anyone to know how she’s been mistreated throughout her life and I can’t blame her. That is the shit of nightmares and I’m sure she’s still fighting them off on a daily basis. Most people don’t want to share that type of shit with anyone else.

“That’s how much fuckin’ money she’s worth?” Otter speaks up as I let my eyes drift further down the contract.

“Yeah. And that’s without the current sum with the interest rate. This contract was drawn up at the last auction about five months ago. Before Janice got in contact with Nolan Montez,” Goose answers, his voice turning lethal as the name rings a bell for some reason.

“Nolan fuckin’ Montez?” Venom asks, sitting up even straighter in his chair. “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me right now?”

“No, I’m not. Janice met him when she was at some gala or other stupid as fuck event those rich socialites attend to make themselves appear as if they’re good people. Nolan clearly impressed Janice and she got in talks with him about a mutually beneficial contract for Autumn. I have yet to find that one so I can see what it entails, but I’ll find it one way or another,” Goose assures us, his voice lethal and cold.

“Why do I know that name?” I speak up, needing to know the answer.

“Nolan Montez is involved in the cartel. He’s workin’ his way up to lead it eventually and doesn’t care who he has to fuckin’ take out to get what he wants. He’s involved in sex traffickin’, sellin’ drugs to kids, and beatin’ the fuck out of anyone who gets in his way regardless of their age, gender, or anything else. The man doesn’t give a fuck about anythin’ that doesn’t benefit him. He’s a fuckin’ monster,” Goose informs us as realization dawns on me.

We haven’t personally dealt with the man before, or anyone he associates with obviously, but everyone knows who the fucker is. Our club makes it our mission to know who certain players are so we can keep an eye on things. Goose does most of the work in his room with his computers so we don’t make it public knowledge who we’re keeping tabs on. This Nolan fuck is a sadistic fucker and needs to be put down. Or rot in prison with Horton. The two of them have a lot in common and could become cell mates. Each man wouldn’t hesitate to stab the other in the back in a split second. Perfect for us if they take one another out.

“Why does he want to marry Autumn if he’s workin’ for the fuckin’ cartel?” Brick speaks up, his voice cold and angry as Goose pulls up a picture of Nolan along with his known criminal activities.
